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Any protein will have evolved to have an optimum pH that matches the environment it is most commonly found in. This does mean that not all proteins have an ideal pH between 4 and 8. For example, almost all eukaryotic cells contain digestive enzymes that operate best at very low pH and not very well at pH 4-8, so that they won't digest their own cells, which will usually be at pH 7.

Whatever the ideal pH happens to be, the reason for it is always the same:

* Proteins fold into particular shapes that are vital for their function. * The shape a protein will fold into is determined by its amino acid sequence, since different amino acids have different properties. * Each amino acid has a 'side chain' sticking out of the main polypeptide chain, which will have specific chemical properties capable of forming certain interactions with other amino acids in the protein (as well as with water and other molecules).

* It is these intramolecular forces (interactions between different amino acids within a protein) that are responsible for producing and maintaining the shape of the protein. The forces are:

* Hydrogen bonds - weak bonds between slightly positively charged hydrogen and slightly negatively charged atoms (such as oxygen). * Electrostatic interactions - weak attractive forces between charged regions of the protein, including only small charges resulting from polar bonds. * Disulphide bridges * Hydrophobic interactions

* Hydrophobic interactions are not sufficient to hold a protein in a particular shape, only to pull the protein into a ball to help it fold into the correct shape. * Hydrogen bonds and electrostatic interactions are dependent on interactions between charges. pH is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions, which are positively charged. If there were more hydrogen ions in the solution than the protein was designed for, these ions would compete for the interactions holding the protein together, as well as protonating groups that need to be deprotonated to form important intramolecular interactions (eg nitrogen). Equally, if there were too few hydrogen ions in the solution, the same interactions would disrupted by the relatively high concentration of hydroxide (OH) ions, and important protonated groups may become deprotonated.

* Disruption of the interactions in either case will lead to some of the protein losing its ability to be held in a certain shape, which then reduces it's catalytic activity (as catalytic activity relies on the shape). The loss of activity will be proportional to the extent of the disruptions, which will in turn be proportional to the extent of the change in pH. * Disulphide bonds would also be reduced (broken) at very low pH. * Therefore, all proteins have a pH at which they have been designed to work that they will work very well at. The further away from this pH the solution gets, the more of the proteins will be effected by the change, until eventually they are all completely denatured. This concept is similar to the collision theory, in that a small change in pH will reduce activity, but not significantly, because very few of the increased hydrogen/hydroxide ions will actually be competing for the intramolecular interactions at any one time. In the specific case of pH being between 4 and 8, this is because most cells have an interior pH of between 4 and 8, so a lot of proteins need to operate best in this range (usually pH 7).

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12y ago

enzymes are_" a substance produced by a living organism that acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction"_taken from wikipedia_

Enzymes help tendorize meat. enzymes help digest food.

I'm not really sure exactly why at PH of 7.

Saliva...I belive, has enzymes to rip apart fats to make them easier to digest.

If you put a saltine craker in your mouth,eat and swallow, wait a long while before eating or drinking and the saliva breaks down the starches to sugar.

saliva is about the same consistency of water(which is 7 on the pH scale)

Try reading a science book though. I'm not sure.

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10y ago

The solution is neither acidic or basic

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Q: Why do most enzymes work best at a pH of 7?
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Yes, pH level can affect the activity of enzymes. Enzymes have an optimal pH at which they function most efficiently, and deviations from this pH can decrease enzyme activity. Changes in pH can affect the enzyme's structure and alter the interactions between the enzyme and its substrate.

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Amylase works best at a neutral pH, around 6.7 to 7.0. This is because amylase is an enzyme that breaks down starch into simpler sugars, so a pH close to neutral allows for optimal activity of the enzyme.

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Yes, enzymes typically work best within a specific pH range that optimizes their activity. Deviations from this optimal pH can denature the enzyme, affecting its ability to catalyze reactions effectively.

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Can enzymes function at any pH?

No. They function best at the pH corresponding to their usual/intended environment. For example, pepsin, present in the stomach, which is highly acidic, functions best at acidic pH, while trypsin, secreted into the duodenum together with basic bicarbonate, functions best at moderately basic pH. This is true also within subcellular compartments: the optimal pH of lysosomal enzymes is acidic, matching the acidic proteolytic environment inside the lysosome. That said, most enzymes present in the cytosol (~neutral) and blood (~neutral) function best around neutral pH.

What is meant by the statement enzymes have optimum operating ranges?

That they work best in the right pH and temperature they were made to work in. Amylase works best in the mouth's pH of about 7, while pepsin works best at a much lower and acidic pH.

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All enzymes work best at a certain temperature and pH. They also need a substrate to work on. A change in pH or temperature will inactive it by denaturing it. If the substrate is very low in quantity or is absent, the enzyme will be inactive.

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Substrate concentration will affect enzymes because substrates are specific to enzymes. The pH will affect enzymes because certain enzymes will work better in certain pH levels.

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Enzymes work best in the pH and temperature that they are " designed " for. A pepsin enzyme works best in the low pH environment of the stomach, while amylase works best at mouth temperature and ~ 7 pH. Heat and out of range pH can denature enzymes and not only affect their activity but inactivate them.