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Because they love to bug you as much as possible.

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Q: Why do parents make you go to bed when you are wide awake and then wake you up when your are fast asleep?
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Milk synthesis and production is an involuntary action of the cow's body, thus occurs when the cow is either asleep or awake.

How do you stay awake for one week?

You can't. After two or three days, your body will make you fall asleep.

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hit them in the chin or the back of the head or sleeping pills

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Sleeping disorders, No, but it does make you stay awake when you are falling asleep not from a drug or disorder but from just being tired.

Why does gineua pigs eyes stay shut?

they dont . they're open when they're awake and closed when they're asleep.(this question doesnt really make any sence)

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After noisily scoffing down the swill, the pig gave a deep sigh and fell fast asleep.

When whales sleep is half of there brain awake?

Well, the whale takes turns of its brain sleeping. As whales have to be awake to breathe, the whale rests 1 side of the brain to make sure its breathing, alert of any dangers etc, while one side remains asleep.

Can you Make a sentence with awake?

He was wide awake this morning

What are some good Reality checks for lucid dreaming?

While you are awake, look at your hands every so often and think "Am I asleep or awake?" By doing this, you are sorting out reality from your dreams. In reality, everything will be clear and will make sense, your hands will look as they always do, etc. If you are asleep, something will be off. If you do this regularly, it will eventually become habit that crosses over into your dreams, thereby allowing you to be able to tell if you are asleep or awake. Lucid dreaming is just spitting distance away now!

What if your parents are Santa?

Pretend you are asleep on Christmas then sneak to the living room and try try to stay up as much as you can! And if your parents turn out to be Santa make the craziest wishlist ever!

Did the studio give her drugs to slow down her growth during the filming of The Wizard of Oz?

No.they gave her drugs to make her lose weight(which was stupid) and to keep her awake during shooting and to put her asleep after.

Why don't aereoplanes make noise at night?

If a tree falls in the forest, does it make sound? Of course planes make noise at night. But if you are fast asleep, or otherwise not attending to the sound, then they seem not to be there.