

Why do people cut down tress in rain forests?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Greed, stupidity, and unnecessary paper that 78% of the world will not recycle.

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Q: Why do people cut down tress in rain forests?
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Why don't tress in tropical rain forests drop their leaves?

they are probably evergreen trees

Why are the rain forests in danger?

The rain forests are in danger because they are being cut down and turned into farm or grazing land. And not only are they being destroyed, the environment is being changed so the forests cannot even recover. Ans. The rain forest is in danger because of man's illegal logging and also because of forest fires. Much of the tress are being cut down every day, but only few are being planted for replacement.

Why is rainforest is under threat?

People are cutting down the rain forests for farmland and money.

What will happen to the oxygen when people cut down the rain forest?

we need to stop people cutting down rain forests its losing allot of oxygen so go away

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There are no unpopular rain forests, because thousands of bugs and insects live in every rain forest, but people are cutting down rain forests, so bugs and animals either have to stay and die, or leave and live somewhere else.

Are there people living in Tasmanian rain forests?

No, there is no one living in the Tasmanian Rain Forests.

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Sloths are dying from people cutting down their natural habitats,rain forests.

What is the main reason rain forests are being cut down?

The rain forests are being cut to use the land for farming.

What you the main reason rain forests are being cut down?

because people want to have houses there and they want paper

What if forests disappear?

People are constantly cutting down forests and rainforest's. Eventually they will just disappear. Trees and plants provide oxygen for us. without it we would die! So if Forests or rain forests disappear then we will too!

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Where do people cut trees?

in rain forests