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Charoset represents the mortar used in construction when we were slaves.

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Q: Why do people eat charoset at the Passover meal?
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When does a Jewish person eat the Passover meal?

Passover is not a time of fasting, so Jewish people can eat during the middle of the day during Passover.

Why do people eat the sedar meal?

People eat the Seder meal as part of the Passover celebration. It is a symbolic meal that commemorates and retells the story of the Israelites' liberation from slavery in Egypt, as instructed in the Torah. The meal follows a specific order outlined in the Haggadah, a text that guides the rituals and readings during Passover.

Do jews eat the seder meal on shabbat?

The Jews eat the Passover Seder meal on the night of Passover (Pesach). It makes little difference whether Passover begins on Shabbat or on a weekday. Note that there are festive meals on every Shabbat, but they are not called "seder" and the foods are different.

Why do Jews eat maror on Passover?

The charoset is a sweet mixture representing the mortar used by the Jewish slaves to build the storehouses of Egypt.See also the Related Link.More about Passover and its symbolic foods

What do Jews eat for the Passover meal and why?

Jews eat the Passover meal to commemorate what happen to them a long time ago. In the Bible, it explains that the Jews were taken out of Egypt, in a hurry. Their bread did not have a chance to leaven, and so they ate what they call "matzoh" Now Jews have a meal with "matzoh" in it, to commemorate it.

Can you eat chicken on passover?

You can eat meat on Passover - as long as you don't roast it. If it's not at the Seder, you can even roast it! _________ Most people who eat meat tend to eat more meat than usual during Passover. Three is no prohibition against roasting meat during Pesach (Passover) Also, during Shabbat and other holy days there is a tradition of eating at least 2 types of meat during the main meal.

What eat for Passover in place of carbohydrates?

There is no prohibition against carbs during Passover. There's matzah, matzah products (meal, cake meal), products made with potato and tapioca starch, potatoes, and other items.

Why do Jewish people dip the salt and charoset?

Jews dip parsley in salt water to remind them of the tears during slavery. They eat charoset because it represents the mortar from the bricks.

What is matzo meal for Jews?

Matza meal is matza that has been ground to the consistency of coarse bread crumbs. Matza meal is used in some cooking. On Passover especially, many people bake and cook with matza meal because it is not feasible to bake a cake in 18 minutes. Matza balls have a lot of matza meal in them, as you can imagine. Not all Jews will use matza meal on passover, however. Some Jews do not eat Gebrukts, matza with liquids on it. They are afraid that maybe there is still some flour that didn't get mixed with water and therefor has not been cooked and can still rise, which is forbidden on Passover. For that reason, some Orthodox Jews will not eat matza with spreads on it, and for the same reason will not eat anything baked with matza meal or any other matza by-product.

What holiday do Jewish people eat matzoh on?


What did the Judaism not eat?

Jews do not eat pork, and they do not eat meat and dairy in the same meal. There are also guidelines for specific holidays, like no yeast on Passover and fasting on Yom Kippur.

Can you eat crepes on Passover?

Yes, potatoes are actually a common staple during Passover.