

Why do people go up for adoption?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Well people go up for adoption because they don't have a home so they would like to get a family but if a family member puts someone in adoption it's because they either don't want that person in their family or they have too many children. Hope this helps!

Another View: The question is unclear as to its meaning.

Parentless children are put up for adoption so that they can (hopefully) be raised in a stable and secure household. Babies are placed for adoption for many and varied reasons (e.g.: inability of the mother to support the child - child unwanted by mother due to several possible circumstances, such as rape - etc - etc).

Prospective parents look for adoption so that they may fulfill their desire to raise a family or increase the number of children they have.

These are only SOME of the possible reasons.

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Call Planned Parenthood and ask for assistance with finding adoption agencies in your area. there are many people looking to do priv ate adoptions. that is one easier way to go about adoption. ANYONE CAN GIVE UP A CHILD FOR adoption.

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That information is not generally available for the public to see online. Contact the adoptive agency that helped you. You can search for "adoption reunite" and find services that work to help people do that kind of search

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Most people put there child up for adoption because they cannot take care of them, and don't have a good home for them. Some people put there children up for adoption because they don't want them, which is a cruel thing to do but it is the right thing if your going to just neglect your child because you don't want them.

Why do teen mothers put babies up for adoption?

Most teen mothers put their child up for adoption because it may be the best thing for the baby..... she might not be able to take care of the child the right way.......... and most have school to go to........ i would think that most go for an open adoption so that they can contact the child

How can someone get more information on adopting a child?

The best place to get information on adoption is to go to an adoption facility as they will have the best and most accurate information. There are also various websites that adoption facilities put up, depending on where you live.

When adopting internationally do the adoptive parents meet the birth parents?

Well it depends. Some of the time (or most) someone from the adoption agency (the person setting up the adoption) will go and get the child then bring them home. Sometimes one or both people who are adopting the child may go with that person to get the child and meet the parent.

What are people's opinions on same-sex adoption?

Go for it. It is not the government's job to tell people who they can love. P.s. im not gay

Did billy and honey put Janet up for adoption?

yes they did put jennet up for adoption