

Why do people hunt crocodiles?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Mainly For Their Skin, Used For Bags, Pocketknifes, Belts, Frames, etc.

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Q: Why do people hunt crocodiles?
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Why people hunt crocodiles?

Peolple hunt crocodiles because they kill humans and because their skin is so silky, rare, and very very valuable and ive also heard it is very comfy and warm to wear. Does That Answer Your Question.

What do crocodiles do for fun on land?

theyy hunt

What hunts crocodile?

People hunt crocodiles. They are a apex predator and most animals stay away from them.

Do crocodiles stay by themselves?

No they hunt together and eat animals.

What animals hunt hyenas?

The answer is the animal that hunt the Hyena are: Lions, Jaguar and crocodiles

Do crocodiles live in swamps?

Crocodiles not only live in swamps, the also live in riparian areas near rivers. Crocodiles hunt and live in areas that a predominantly water.

How Hippos hunt?

Hippos are herbavours, they don't hunt, and if they did I'd suspect that they would lay in wait in the water like crocodiles

Are crocidiles scavengers?

no crocodiles hunt for food eating mainly fish and birds.

Do Nile crocodiles hunt at anytime of day?

no they sleep in the day and do their hunting at night

What is the only animal believed to hunt humans actively?

Polar Bears and Crocodiles are the ONLY animals that HUNT humans. Lions etc may attack humans but do not hunt them

Does the nile crocodile have a predator?

Rock pythons only hunt young nile crocodiles.

Why do crocodiles prefer to hunt at night?

So they can keep the element of surprise to attack their prey.