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People like technology because it make many individuals lives easier by making jobs easier and information more accessible.

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Q: Why do people like technology?
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animals,shows,and technology.

Why can't technology be used to benefit?

technology is a benefit but like ever thing else it has disadvantages. With advancements in technology people start to rely on it more and let things like computers do all the work for them.

What would happen if there were no technology?

we would basically be like stone age people and if technology did not advance then we would become extinct

How smartphones changed how people feel about technology?

Yes because people like how the smartphones have maps on it and also smartphones have games which children can play with so it has chnaged how people feel about technology.

Describe the relationships among people information technology and information?

information(all kinds!) is of vital importance to people, companies and the like. information technology is the technology that is used to transmit this information from one person/company to another.

What do 18 - 35 year old people like?

Technology/ new stuff.

Which jobs are people choosing?

Most people are going for white collar jobs like Information Technology.

Who was a person to invent Information Technology?

Noone is the inventor of Information Technology, However many people believe that the idea originated from people like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

Is Japanese technology better than American technology?

That depends on the kind of technology. Just like how certain people are better than sports than others, some countries are better at technology than others.

What has changed in the making of technology?

In my opinion, (not saying this may be a fact) technology was changed when Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity. Technology started out with the basic, everyday things, like the wheel. As people evolved, so did technology.

What is an assistive technology?

It refers to technology that can help people with disabilities. It could be things like special wheelchairs or software on a computer that helps people communicate or hearing aids or anything like that. Some of these things are things we are very familiar with, like hearing aids and wheelchairs, but there is more sophisticated technology with a wider range of uses that are being created to make lives easier for people with disabilities.