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Not sure, but whoever does it should be ashamed of themselves. They're just people with a lot of emotions and sometimes do self-cut. So what if they wear lots of black? I have lots of Emo friends and about half of the time, they wear bright colors and listen to punk music or whatever (and sometimes like vampires). They make awesome friends and the haters shouldn't be hating.

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14y ago

Yes, it's mostly the stupid ASBO chavs that cause the most problems for emo's.

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Q: Why do people make fun of emo kids?
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How is emo problem resolved?

emo is not a problem people who make fun of emos make people more emo stop treating us like a problem, like a disease just because we are depressed doesnt mean we are not people

What is up with emo?

emo is short for emotional emo people are either depressed, angry, or confused they are normal people and many just want to be accepted but are not because of how they dress, look, and/or feel many people hate emo people and make fun of them, this actually makes them more emo i think emo people are amazing and people are stupid for hating them

Why do people like to be emo?

people who are emo, at least when i was emo, i didn't like being emo it was the worst time of my life i was super depressed..... and if people cut themselves it is the lowest feeling so trust me. being emo is not fun.

What are scene necklaces?

Necklaces for scene kids. Scene kids/teens are very colorful and fun and are in the category of emo, punk and goth

Are you emo if you are very depressed don't wear bright cloths often and doesn't cut themselves?

No. It's sad when people make fun of there by calling them emo. It's a horrible thing to hurt yourself like that. But no for you to be emo you do not have to be cutting yourself. Emo means you have emotional problems.

Why is the term emo used to describe some people?

Emo is short for the word Emotional. If someone calls another emo, it generally can mean that you have lots of emotions. Sometimes in school or outside of school, people call others emo to make fun of them. Personally I hate the word emo when non emotional people use it, because they don't know how to use it the right way. So emo is used to descibe a person who is very emotional.

Why do people make fun of kids?

Well mabe something is wrong with those people that make fun of other kids If they do that to you laugh with them so they will get more mad or tell a teacher and she will talk to them. and if they get mad when you laugh they will stop!

How do you ignore people that are making fun of you because you are emo?

Just like don't pay them attention like when people make fun of me I just listen to music in my head to get their annoying voices out my head and just ignore them

What is a emo skater?

An emo skater is someone who is emotionl but love to have fun.

What do emo people cut?

not all emo's do, i mean i'm emo but i don't cut myself a matter a fact i'm happy as a am but emo's who are depreesed do cut them selfs but dont sterotype type people just cos there different to you, emo's and scene's are both really fun and cool where i live soo as for you answer no they don't

Is beeing emo fun?

Being emo is a personal experience that can be enjoyable for some individuals who resonate with the music, fashion, and emotional expression associated with the subculture. However, it can also involve navigating intense emotions and internal struggles. Ultimately, whether being emo is fun or not depends on the individual's perspective and personal experiences.

Do emo boys cazry?

Boys are crazy cause they make fun of the girls and that hard us