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Many, many people DO listen to Jehovah's Witnesses. Since Jehovah's Witnesses are currently the fastest growing CHRISTIAN religion in America and indications are, the world**, one could argue that a good deal more people are listening to Jehovah's Witnesses than any other Christian group on the planet at this time.

Their literature is accepted and read by millions of people worldwide and their bible instruction magazine the Watchtower had been for many years the magazine with the widest distribution in the World, again indication that people are "listening" to what Jehovah's Witnesses have to say.

An average of 750 people become Jehovah's Witnesses every day.

**Note: There are absolutely NO claims by Jehovah's Witnesses they are the fastest growing RELIGION in the world ONLY one of the fastest growing CHRISTIAN denominations.

========================THOMAS ANSWERS=================


(Jeremiah 8:6, 7) " 6 I paid attention and kept listening, but the way they spoke was not right. Not a man repented over his wickedness or asked, 'What have I done?' Each one keeps returning to the POPULAR COURSE, like a horse dashing into the battle. 7 Even the stork in the sky knows its seasons; The turtledove and the swift and the thrush keep to the time of their return. But my own people do not understand judgment of Jehovah. . ."


(Isaiah 65:11) "11 But you are among those forsaking Jehovah, Those forgetting my holy mountain, Those setting a table for the god of Good Luck, And those filling up cups of mixed wine for the god of Destiny. . ."

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Sometimes people do express outright animosity toward us, or at least toward the public preaching work that we do. Often times, certain ones may not even really know why they don't like us, but because their clergyman, family members, or friends have expressed unfavoarable sentiments toward JW's, then they likewise do the same.

Sometimes, misinformation and lies can lead one to form opinions about us that can lead someone to an unfavorable judgment of us. One example of such a lie about JW's is that some have claimed in the past that JW's supported Hitler. The fact is, The Watchtower magazine warned about Hitler's activities way back in the early 1930's, long before the world in general paid any attention to him. We were staunchly opposed to him, and we even refused to say the "Heil Hitler" salute. As a result, Hitler tried to kill us all, and was successful in killing a large number of us in the concentration camps. The Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC has a whole section dedicated to the memorial of JW's who died at the hands of Hitler.

Further, I personally I believe that those who "hate" us probably don't hate us individually, but their animosity is probably directed toward us as a group. They probably don't personally know of anyone who is a JW, and would probably be shocked that their dentist, their mailman, their paperboy, their auto mechanic, all could be JW's. Or, they may know someone who is a JW, that they may have had a personal difference with (we are all imperfect humans), and based on this, they may have decided that we all must be like that one person is. Humans have a tendency to stereotype.


Opinion of a former witness

Some reasons why, in my experience, certain people hate Jehovah's Witnesses are listed below.

1/. The laws on shunning, the lack of human empathy when one dies and is a former witness, where none in the congregation will attend the funeral of the deceased former member, nor offer support to the family who may have been stumbled as a result. If you're depressed and suicidal, they refuse to assist you and get professional help, but rather only condemn you to death at Armageddon or Gehenna ( the 2nd Death ) for being unfaithful and turning your back on Jehovah. Unfaithful means - not paying obedience to what they consider to be Watchtower policy.

2/. They reprimand by quoting scripture and twist the meaning, often out of context, to presumptuously turn things about and make others look like the wrong doer and they God's disciplinarians;

3/. Discuss (unwritten) verbal character assassination of a former member within the secrecy of the congregation through gossip or private meetings;

4/. They use the gossip grapevine to pass messages on to those they want to know about something, and then deny the use of such techniques; rationalizing they only use the approved method of "Theocratic Order" for the passing on of messages.

5/. They hate all those who fail to tow the line in accordance with Watchtower policy;

In line with scripture they hate all evil-doers and tell everyone they will die at Armageddon and only Jehovah's righteous followers will be saved.

6/. Harbour known and "proven" pedophiles within the ranks of members claiming to have love ( and even their first president C.T Russell was a convicted Pedophile and is provable by reading the court transcripts;

7/. The constant hatred for all that is considered satanic and vile, the neglect of their own in old age and in youth ( primarily those who turn away form the faith ), their reversing of doctrines over numerous beliefs, claiming it is new light;

8/. Their hypocritically going apostate by joining the United Nations in 1991/2 as a Non Governmental Organization, or NGO, for a short time to get a library card. They strain out the smallest gnat and gulp down the biggest camel by doing the very thing they tell others not to do.

9/. The constant Bible bashing in the form of preaching; believing that makes them the true religion; Competing with other religions as to who is the most righteousness and approved by God. Preaching in Matt 24:14 is always their hard evidence of being "super righteous"; whilst they ignore more some of the important Christian issues.

10/. They stone wall anyone who deeply questions their beliefs. This is done in many of ways and always with a smile/smurk on their face.

11/. The locking out of their email links, so outsiders cannot make contact them. Such is both rude and indicative of cowardness and fear.

12/. The claiming of being the "only true theocracy" without having any idea of the damage a theocracy does to one's personal life;

13/. The accepting of donated shares in a war weapons company in the USA. You only have to do it once and your condemned as hypocrite for all eternity, in this world and that to come. While preaching love and they support war on the basis of getting financial reward shows how much they care for human life and their fellow man. As all who do not worship Jehovah WILL die at Armageddon, in their minds; then taking blood money in the form of a donated share portfolio is supporting greedy commercialism and again affiliating themselves with the disgusting Harlot, Babylon the Great. Such is no different than Judas Iscariot's taking thirty pieces of silver, as a betrayal for Christ's blood.

14/. The constantly critical view of others outside and labeling them as satanic;

15/. The boundaries of their love being very conditional;

16/. The claiming in the 1972 Watchtower of being God's true Prophet as an organization and then failing for decades to produce one predication that has ever come true;

17/. Saying in writing that "they are imperfect and make mistakes"; then place imputed perfection in advance on their inspired Faithful & Discreet Slave Class, and then defy any who take them on as their opponent saying they are wrong;

18/. Claiming "They Don't Lie" and are backed by the supreme being of the universe JEHOVAH THE ALMIGHTY, yet the actions and practices speak louder than any amount of words.

19/. Adhering to Babylon the great and its pagan symbols by the use of wedding rings, saying Amen at the end of prayers and claiming to have a total monopoly on Theocracy, the ritualistic celebration of eating flesh and drinking blood at the memorial every year actually has a Satanic origin of the eating of the STARFIRE ( just to name a few ties);

20/. The claiming of not being a cult yet they harbouring secret books and files that you cannot even show one's wife -- One such example is the 3 volume booklet set known as the "Elders books" and used prior to the early 1990's. Volume 2 had a small block in it stating words to the effect "These elders books were for the sole use of elders only within the congregation and not to be distributed or shown to family members or others." Their "Pioneer book" is another such publication for the sole use of Pioneers. The first century Christians fitted all the parameters of a opposing cult against Mithraic teaching and so do Jehovah's Witnesses today who claim to be spiritual Israel, and who regularly practice symbolic blood rituals at the memorial each year.

Charles M Russel: That sums it up.

An outsider's view.

The two preceding answers are both very interesting, and the second one is quite informative, but neither do anything to answer the question. This may be because one contributor is a JW and the other is an ex-JW. Since the great majority of people, and even the large majority of Christians, are not Jehovah's Witnesses a better answer might be forthcoming from a non-JW.

Based on wide experience of JWs in five different countries, three languages and numerous dialects, there seems to be broad agreement on the reason why people dislike JWs. They are pests. They turn up on the doorstep unannounced, uninvited and unwelcome. When treated courteously they abuse the good nature of the householder by staying on the doorstep long after they have been told that their victim is not interested. When they are asked point-blank to leave they promise to return "at a better time for you". If told not to return they come back anyway.

The first answer to this question, from a JW, seems just a bit disingenuous. It is difficult to believe in the existence of any Jehovah's Witness who goes out door-to-door selling of his beliefs who has not been on the receiving end of forceful comments from householders telling him exactly why he is not welcome there again. Further, the bullying behaviour of JWs is so reliable and predictable that one has to suspect that they are taught to behave that way.

Another Practicing Witness.

1 Peter 4:3, 4 & John 15:18,19 Sums it up pretty well. But for more detail reason of why we are hated you'd have to ask the individuals who hate us. As the Witness in the first part of this discussion put it sometimes it is for those reasons. No we are not taught to be rude and abuse the kindness of the householders. Actually we go over that very point in our service meetings. Some times though some don't listen but again witness are not perfect either and we make mistakes. When someone tells us to not come back and we do return its usually within a few years or that that person was not the head of the household and that there may be interested ones in the home. Jesus didn't stop preaching even though the majority didn't care for him did he? But he kept on because he knew there were ones who wanted the truth.

But why keep calling:

Well we know that people move to new residences and that the circumstances of people change. Today a person may be too busy to listen; another time he may gladly take the time. One member of a household may not be interested, but others may be. People themselves change; serious problems in life may stimulate an awareness of spiritual need. There are a number of JW's that were like that at a time but something happened in their lives that made them want to listen to the witness that initially knocked on their door.

Matthew 24:14 says: This good news of the kingdom will be preached to all the nations and then the end will come. Keeping that in mind along with the fact God desires none to die but all to live.

1Cor 1:18-31 says that the things God would have his people preach about would be foolish to those perishing but not to those who are being saved. Acts 13:48 Says that we would go out to seek the right at heart. Now add all of the above scrips with these scripture of the greatest commandments Matthew 22:36-40. also see 2 Peter 3:9, and you'll see why we're hated but why we continue to preach.

There are a number of religions that do the wine and bread tasting we're not the only ones. And also my family is friends with MJ's mother and I can assure that when he died the whole family was comforted by the witness. Can twist the scriptures. They are what they are. And the Pioneer book is nothing but a condensed book that we all use for the preaching work. But because Pioneers are out in the work more then any other in the org, their given a condensed book of preaching specifically for them to carry around. And the elders book is similar reason. We all know what the elders are allowed to do and what their not allowed to do. Its no secret.

To be honest I've been a witness for over 27years and half the things the ex-witness is saying I have no idea what their talking about. Some of it seems extremely made up. But all of it is misleading views. It so misinformed that is sounds like the person was never a witness to Begin with.

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13y ago

It's not against us, it's because we base ourselves completely on The Bible, we celebrate any holiday listed in the Bible, which is common sense when we don't celebrate most wordly celebrations.

Many people probably have nothing at all against Jehovah's Witnesses; many people, while not sharing their faith, probably recognise and admire their commitment and dedication to their beliefs. They are also widely recognised for being hard working and honest and it is not unusual for employers to favor (or even request) Jehovah's Witness employees for this very reason. Authorities, in general, may recognise them as being a positive influence in the community and will sometimes praise Jehovah's Witnesses for their voluntary work, illiteracy programs and disaster relief work.

While people, in general, have nothing against Jehovah's Witnesses, some people do feel, for example, that Jehovah's Witnesses should not engage in their public house to house ministry maybe because they resent the few minutes it requires to send them away from their doors, if they are uninterested in their message. By far the majority of even this group however, would most likely recognise that freedom of religious expression is viewed as a fundamental human right and in no way want such rights curtailed.

Totalitarian states, past and present, such as Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime, did resent the Jehovah's Witness' flat refusal to support their regimes and expressed outright hatred for them. Most people do not take such a position although there exists a small minority that feel as Hitler did about Jehovah's Witnesses.

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11y ago

(for some information from the JW point of view scroll to the bottom)

They're always trying to recruit you. They show up at your houses and try to make you switch religions. Nobody wants to get up and have people tell them that they're religion is wrong. Plus one time they tried to recruit at our church bakesale!

AnswerJehovah's Witnesses should not be hated. Christians are commanded by Jesus that they should never judge anyone personally. Therefore, as a Christian, I cannot and will not judge JWs as people but, as a Christian I am compelled to judge their beliefs, just as Jesus spoke out against false teaching in His day.

All orthodox Christian Churches throughout the world that unwaveringly believe in the Biblical teaching that Jesus is God incarnate, (a belief since the earliest Church of the first Century, and even when Jesus walked the earth), utterly reject JW beliefs as their beliefs are contrary to scripture and are based solely of their founder's idea of 'Christianity' which denies that Jesus is Lord and God incarnate, denies the Trinity, and interprets their own version of the Bible.

Their founder, Charles Taize Russell was a self-confessed charlatan and fraud, who set himself up as a 'pastor' (though not trained or called to that position) and 'bible scholar' (though he could not even recite the Greek alphabet in a court case against him). There were also issues around financial irregularities and marital fidelity surrounding him. He set up the Watchtower Society for the sole purpose of selling 'religious' tracts and making a great deal of money. Even today the Watchtower society holds the monopoly of religious revelation for JWs; they are not allowed to discover doctrine from any other source except that version of the Bible that is taught by the Society.

JW beliefs follow 'Arianism' - a belief system that denied Jesus Christ as Lord and demoted him to just another prophet, or a 'demigod'. This system of belief was already discredited and declared heretical way back in the early church when there were eminent Church fathers who could remember either first hand, or through their own teachers, the actual teachings of Jesus himself. Arianism did not fit with either the teachings of scripture (for example, the prophesies that Christ would be called 'God with us') nor did it agree with what the early church knew were the intentions and teachings of Christ himself. Yet, because of this one charismatic leader, Russell, a whole new organisation, and some would say sinister organisation, sprung up from this bogus theology. To add fuel to the fire the Watchtower even created their own Bible, the 'New World Translation', that is slated by many Bible scholars, as being translated badly so that the JW's Arian beliefs can be supported through 'scripture' where verses can be cited, that have been totally mistranslated, to support their beliefs.

Not only that, but as they regard themselves as the only 'true' church and they themselves will be the only people in heaven, they consign all Christians (of whatever denomination) in this world to destruction, regard the Christians' most sacred beliefs (such as the Trinity and the divinity of Jesus Christ) as the work of the devil, and therefore, by default, regard all Christians as in cahoots with satan.

Whilst no doubt JWs themselves are very sincere people, and have been cited as doing good work, their beliefs are sincerely wrong. Nevertheless, we, as Christians, though speaking out againsttheir beliefs, are called to love JWs themselves. Christians are called to hate the sin, but to love, with all their heart, the sinner. Not that JWs are, themselves classed as 'sinners' (although we are all sinners to some extent!) but can certainly be classed as gullible and, while they mean well, are very misguided.

Answer that isn't subject to hate:

John 15:19, If you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own. Now because you are no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, on this account the world hates you.

This is not unexpected hate, Jesus said that following him would mean being hated. The unscriptural reason people hate Jehovah's Witnesses they claim is all about how we are trying to convert people. However, our ministry is not a conversion process, its simply a way to try to help people be more acquainted with their own bibles, this so called "conversion" is all up to you, we never force it on you. We also never claim a religion is wrong if its teachings are backed by the bible. So the commonplace misconceptions is a huge reason why Jehovah's Witnesses are so hated.

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13y ago

There are various reasons why Jehovah's Witnesses tend to be targetted for attack.

Primarily among these is a distrust of a religion that says it's Christian-based, yet refuses to acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and the fact that He is equal with God.

Ultimately, the problem with Jehovah's Witnesses is their interpolation of the Bible. Although many are kind, honest, hardworking, sincere people, this however is not an automatic qualifier for a person to have the truth, as they will claim to have.

They claim to be Bible-based, yet the Bible is not their highest authority. The way they study/reference their Bible is dictated to them by their Governing Body of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in Brooklyn, New York. They are highly discouraged from reading the Bible alone and are taught that without the Governing Body who they call "the faithful and discreet slave" it would be impossible to understand the Bible.

To speak against the Watchtower and/or its teachings is seen as demonic and as such they are taught to reject anything that opposes the Watchtower.

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13y ago

Because most people don't think that they believe in Jesus, (but they do) they just don't believe that God and Jesus are the same person. And also because Jehovah witness come to peoples houses early in the morning to talk about the bible and some people don't like that.

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9y ago

Your question can be taken in two ways.

1. Some people do not like Jehovah God because they do not know him. Many mainstream religions do not recognize Jehovah as God but only his son Jesus. Jesus said himself that getting to know Jehovah was important in John 17:3. Please look it up in your Bible. Jesus said if we studied his life we would come to know the father. So Bible reading is very important if we want to learn about Jehovah and his son.

Some historian try to paint him as the war God of the Isrealites and scientist do not give him the credit for being the creator. These attempts have caused many to not seek to know him which is very sad since he invites us to know him as a friend. Many have missed out on having a relationship with their creator.

2. Some do not like Jehovah's Witnesses. This is true many times because they do know them either and our influenced by what they hear from others.

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8y ago

In life you may find that people will choose whom they like, whether of not they truly know them are not. Let's me give you an example: Actress like Rita Hayworth, Grace Kelly, or even Joan River reknown for her Fame on celebrity national TV and movies. From looking at this list even if you go to Google search, you still will not have that personal knowledge of them. People can choose what interest them most.

There is another celebrity that people have forgotten about, and sad to say, they only choose to remember him in the months of December, and sometimes in the month of March or April. But if you were ask who he really was you will get different opinion. Let's me give you some facts about this person: There were too messages delivered from heaven...awesome!...( Luke 1:30-33; Luke 2:8-11) After you have read this you might have also quess that this is Jesus Christ. Many people feel that know his, but the facts have shown not really. With a little historial background also you can do your own research, that Jesus was not born on December 25, that was a clue in the scripture I mention early from the bible book of Luke; In the area of Bethlehem, December is rainy and cold, and on accasion, it even snows.

At that time of the year, shepherds would hardly be out in the fields overnight with they flocks which is their livelihood which they want to protect their investment, and so do we today. Even the "Almightly God" in the heaven wants to protect his investment for the benefits to save mankind.

When people make the statement they don't like Jehovah Witnessess, it's might be because they really don't know us. They don't know that we have been given a commission to preach from Jesus

(Matthew 28: 19,20) also Jesus has already explain that some people will receive us Kindly and other would not (Matthew 10:11-14)

Even Jesus was want hated because people did'nt fully understand him, so you might know he was put to death as well. (Matthew 27: 11-26) Remember Jesus commission his disciple to preach about the "Good News of God's Kingdom" Matthew 24:14. So judge for yourself, what is the good news that some people are willing to be hate

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8y ago

According to studies, interest in any religion has took a steep dive in recent years in most western civilizations. The percentage of people saying they don't believe in anything in particular is increasing every year. The general consensus is that religion is becoming outdated in the minds of many and that future generations will continue to lose interest. Interestingly, although Christianity has taken a hit, Jehovah's Witnesses are one of the few Christian religions that is still growing, most likely because of the global ministry and aggressive translating work they are involved in.

Other reasons people would not listen besides no interest in religion at all, would be that an individual has their own religion, is too busy to listen, or feels inconvenienced by a knock at the door.

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7y ago

Some people don't like those that try to convert them to another religion.

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