

Why do people only care about money?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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11y ago

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People that only care about money are that way beacuse they are Superficial.

Car's, big house's, fancy clothes, Trip's etc... That is what is most important to them.

They are only willing to help you if they see that by helping you there is money

to be made or if they can benefit from helping you in any other way. Point being

they only want to befriend you becuase they are seeing what they can get out

of it and not for the pure and simple reason for just wanting to help you. If they

come to realize that they will get nothing out of helping you then TRUST me you

will never hear from them. Take me for instance, i was interested in USANA

buisness at one point and as long as i was interested in the Buisness, this

buisness director wanted to always talk to me and see how i was doing, he

was so concerned about my well-being. Until the day i told this person i wasn't

interested in the buisness anymore and i MAGICALLY stopped hearing from him

=). See thats all it is, SELFISHNESS. That is what drives them. They try to

portray to be kind, nice etc... but underneath the exterior they only see one

thing and we all know what that is $$$$. Money is a very powerful thing. And

these people act like they are living the Good Life when in reality there not.

There FAKE, people don't truly love them, or care for them because people are

not stupid. People see them and they think and feel O man What does he or

she want now, there always trying to make money off me. See Greedy people

don't know what love is because they are in constant SELFISH mode. Every

minute there thinking how can i get ahead, but there is so much more to life

than MONEY. They try to act like they want to help people and care but they use

that tactic as an ILLUSION to get what they want from people. Of course im just

talking about a buisness person but the same rule apply's to any Money hungry

person. Remember this any person that you don'y know that all of a sudden

wants to be your friend and super nice, its too good to be true.

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