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A large part of the reason is the media. Most celebrities are skinny. Models are usually skinny. Magazine covers tout ways to lose ten pounds in thirty days.

It's impossible to do targetted weight loss like that. To lose stomach fat, you need to lose weight overall, which means you need cardio work, not just abdominal exercises. My suggestion? Eat healthy and find an activity you enjoy doing. Hip hop dance, if you're into it, is a really good workout.

In any case, remember that your health is the most important thing, not the way you look. (However, extra fat around the waist can indicate future problems, so it's a good idea to try to get rid of it).

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because they are below the average weight for there height and its not healthy

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Q: Why do people stress about weight?
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How does stress cause weight loss?

Absolutely. In many ways. Stress can cause you to develop bad eating habits. You may turn to unhealthy eating as a way to cope with stress. Stress can also change the way your body handles the food you eat. There is a natural stress relief supplement that helps naturally with stress and weight.

Do people gain weight when they are stressed?

Well people can do, partly because people sometimes eat more when stress thus causing weight to be put on. As well as this with stress peoples digestive systems can work slightly differently to how they would normally which occasionally means weight is put on, however, this normally causes weight loss. So stress can cause weight gain, usually through more being ate than normal.

Does stress cause weight loss?

stress losses your hunger

Which of these is not a cognitive symptoms of chronic stress?

People may gain or lose weight.

Does stress help you lose weight?

Stress affect everyone differently, some people get depressed and stop eating, others eat when they get depressed and thus gain weight. Stress does have an impact on our serotonin levels and that is one of the brain chemicals that can trigger depression.

When you hang a weight from the center of a beam which is supported at both ends what stress do you induce on the beam and where?

The stress you induce on the beam is equal to weight hanging on the beam. The answer for the where part of the question is in the question. You said it yourself; you hang the weight from the center of the beam, therefore the stress of the weight will be in the center of the beam.

What exactly do people mean when they say that they lost weight from stress and did they not have an appetite to eat?

When some people are under stress they may lose their appetite completely, or they may not eat proper meals and just pick here and there. It isn't enough to sustain their body and they lose weight. If a person is inclined to be thin, they could be eating but between their thyroid and adrenal glands working overtime from the stress they may lose weight even though they eat like a mac truck driver.

How can economic factors cause weight gain?

Stress can cause some people to eat more in return gain weight, while others may opt for cheaper not as healthy foods which can lead to weight gain.

What is the weight of a stress ball?

About 24 g

Can you gain weight from stress when your hardly eating or under eating?

Yes you can! stress releases a hormone called serotonin into your body that causes weight gain.

Does stress make you fat?

Weight gain due to stress is quite common among people. The anxiety factor disturbs the regular metabolism in your body and eventually you gain those extra pounds of fat on your waistline. High level of competition, excess work pressure, financial problems, family issues and many other aspects causes weight gain. - ezinearticles Yes, because stress causes the release of cortisol from the adrenal cortex, which in turn makes you fat.

Does stress increase the liver production of cholesterol?

Yes, its true up to some extend because some people have the habit of over eating when they are in stress or anger, so this habit can increase their weight and also the cholesterol figures.