

Why do people think bad of sharks?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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It's either the JAWS series or the fact that sharks kill people

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Q: Why do people think bad of sharks?
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Why do people think all sharks are bad?

Probably because they've seen 'Jaws' too many times.

What sharks don't eat people?

Sharks don't eat people. They eat little fishes.

Why are people sharks threats?

i think because they hunt the sharks down

Why people frightened of sharks?

because people think sharks are killing machines but they only attack you because they think your a seal or their favourite food

Why do sharks think people are seals?

They think we are seals or turtles.

Why do people think that sharks are dangerous?

Because they attack or kill people

Can great white sharks eat other great white sharks?

yes there stupid what do you think? they are blind people

Where does sharks attack humans?

this is a trick Question because sharks mistake people as seals and think that they are a tasty snack.

What is a sharks favorite food?

Sharks don't eat people they only eat fish. Some people think that they eat humans ens but they don't because they maybe think when you move in the water they think it is a fish or a Eal.

Why is the great withe shrak endanger?

It is in danger for a couple of reasons. 1.It gets hooked and tangled in fishing nets and die 2.People fishing can accidentally hook them and them get wrapped in the line and die because of lack of circulatiopn 3.Many people associate sharks as evil, bad and man eaters like portrayed in Jaws. People will hunt sharks to kill them because they think they are bad 4.Also the biggest problem sharks will be killed for studies, cosmetics, soup, and medicines.

How come sharks attac people when they go in the water?

cause they don't know that they are humans they think they are there pray

Whyd do people think sharks are dangerous?

people think that because of the movie aws and deep blue sea not all sharks are none of them are they ust think that we are there prey when we surf there prey is seal and othermarine life they hate they taste of blood but they love seal whale sharks and basken sharks are harmless so there not all sharks are killers and so are nurse sharks. good day