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Because there is a big difference between bullying in real life and "cyberbullying". People can block harassers and report those who spread undesirable information about them with the click of a button and get them banned. Moreover, one can just disconnect and cut communication with the harassers, whereas in real life this cannot be achieved.

Most social networks also provide settings for privacy which allow one to choose who is allowed to see one's publications and ways to allow people on a person by person basis.

Also, websites also have rules for what can and what can't be done. They are usually described in the website's terms of service.

Another reason is that people tend to blame the internet when in fact bullying generally starts outside of it, plus the victim often does something too to make matters worse.

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Q: Why do people think that cyber bullying is a joke?
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Number 1- I think you are a teen with bad grammar. No. 2. The guy likes you. But you may not start dating because of your bad grammar. I mean that as a joke by the way, I hate cyber-bullying. I'm Demi Lovato by the way.

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Is it seen as bullying when someone pulls pranks on someone else?

It depends on what kind of pranks they are and how often the person does it. If they are joke pranks that are meant just as a joke and the person being played on knows it is a joke and dosent mind-then it is not bullying. If it is a very mean prank and the person doesnt like it, and it is done continuosly, then it could be bullying. For example: Jenny and her friends steal Mary's art pens every single time Mary has an Art period. She gets in trouble and that is what they want. She even gets detention and she hates it but they just tease her when she asks them for the pens. One day Jenny broke the pens on purpose.-----This is bullying. Its a very mild case of bullying-especially compared to what some people get- but its still bullying. Taylor and her friends decide to steal Jazz's art pens one day just for a lesson. JAzz knows it was a joke and they later give the pens back. This isn't bullying-its just a joke Tip: If you plan to do a prank to somebody as a joke-make sure to do one that they will know is a joke. Sometimes people do pranks as a joke but the victim dosent realise its a joke, and they get hurt. Make sure its one that wont hurt them. Being that appropriate time of year at present, If the prank occurred on April Fool's Day, I wouldn't take it too much 'to heart'LOL!

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to get people to do it and if they just do it then people might think its just a joke and not do it

Do people joke because they are a joke?

No, people joke to amuse others.

Is Cyber School or public school better?

I personally Think that public schools are better like take newton moore in western australia for instince its the BEST public high school EVER . no joke

When does discrimination become bullying?

A joke becomes bullying when the joke is said over and over as a form of passive-aggressive behavior. If you tell an offensive joke and are not aware of your audience or whether they would object, then you are just being rude. But if you deliberately aim your jokes at specific people there (not just hypothetical members of this or that group), knowing that they will find your jokes offensive, then that crosses over into bullying. If a given person walks into the room and then you start your jokes, then it is clear that it is bullying. For instance, a gay employee may walk into the room, and up starts the anti-gay jokes. The jokes are told to make the person feel uncomfortable.

What is the best way to deal with cyber bulling?

Stop going on websites that person is on, ignore it, turn it into a joke, act cool about it... etc...

Do riddles count as jokes or not?

yes and no, Yes because they make people ask questions and think. But It really depends on the person who is telling the joke and being told the joke.

What are the examples of paranoia?

People with paranoia think that people are out to harm them. There is a well known joke:- "Just because I have paranoia, it does not mean that people are not trying to get me."