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The Lake Victoria Basin Film Makers Guild (Kenya) an umbrella movement of local film makers based in Western Kenya.

The Film Guild hopes to inspire the local film makers to dream more of film making, learn new tricks in film making and therefore producing more interesting and memorable films.

The FILM GUILD"S vision is to make the Lake Basin region a centre of excellence in film making and the mission is to produce competent professionals capable of producing films that notch international standards. Its only through quality supporting and film making that we can become the new beacon of film making nationally.

It's our intension as the FILM GUILD to seek ways and means of moving away from the commercialization of film making to a people's film industry. A new industry that is not associated with professional mediocrity. Our films should be original and creative. We should not compromise creativity and originality at the alter of greed and short cuts. In the recent past, the region has been to the hub of low quality film productions and a place of cheap film labour force, local arstistes have complained of being manipulated and short changed in the industry by outside forces. This trend should be reversed. This should be our agenda as film makers in the region in 2011.

The Lake Victoria Basin Film Makers Guild (Kenya), hopes to create an indelible mark in the film industry through hard work, quality, creative and original scripting. This calls for a concerted effort by all stakeholders:- The region should accept to be spanner boys in the film industry. We should belong at the centre of film making. We need to market film industry to local establishment in the new counties.

The film industry has brought us together so that we can dream together. Tell our stories without fear in our uniquely way and with passion for posterity. We have a choice, to choice between profiteering and creativity. We have everything at our disposal. Lets not be divided to achieve the selfish ends. Some individuals would want to reap where they did not sow, for they see a lucrative market in the region.

As the former President of U.S.A. JF Kennedy stated in 1962 in Ottawa in Canada in poetic speech.

Geography has made us neighbours.

History made us friends.

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