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Some animal cells do have a central "vacuole" at certain points in their development, but typically animal cells have lysosomes.

Plants need a central vacuole for: storage of water and ions (to maintain turgor or stiffness), to digest/recycle materials, and to store chemicals to fight infection. In seeds, the vacuole is also used for storage of carbohydrates and proteins to be used during germination.

Animal cells are typically bathed in extracellular fluids that contain all of the water, ions and nutrients that they need. Animal cells are also not in a state of turgor, mostly due to a lack of a cell wall. Enzymatic reactions in plants cells are optimized to be efficient when the plant cell has a high water potential. Animal cells enjoy a neutral water potential. Animals also have specialized cells for nutrient storage and immune responses. In animal cells, lysosomes are used to digest/recycle materials, but that is where the similarity ends between these two organelles.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

as all living organisms depend upon water for their survival plants need water too but as they cannot move they have big vacuoles that help them get or store plenty of water as per their need whereas animals can move and can search water themselves so they have small but multiple vacuoles.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Animal cells do in fact have a vacuole, just not as prominent as that of plant cells. Plant cells use the vacuole not only for storage, but also because it adds structure and rigidity to the cell.

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Why are there fewer vacuoles in plants than in animals?

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What is the major physical difference between vacuoles in a plant and vacuoles in an animal?

Plant cells central vacuole is much larger than an animals vacuoles.

What storange area of a cell is called what?

Both animals and plants store materials in the vacuole. However a plant's vacuoles is larger than that of an animal.

Why are vacuol larger in plants?

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What organelle has a large version in plant cells and a smaller version of itself in animal cells?

The vacuole. Most animals, however, do not have vacuoles and when I took biology I was confused when my teacher told me this. But yes to answer your question the organelle that is larger in plants than in animals is the vacuole.

Why do you think ananiml cell does not have vaculoe?

They have vacuoles! Just that theirs' are much smalller. I am a eleven year old yet I know this.

For what reason are plant vacuoles larger than animal vacuoles?

Animal vacuoles are just ment to store dissolved minerals but the plant's vacuole is so big so that it can fush of the cell wall for support. That's why plants are standing up straight.

Why is the plant cell vacuole bigger than a animal cell's?

Plant vacuoles are bigger than animal vacuoles because plants store their food in vacuoles because as you know that is the job of the vacuole. We as animals don't store our food we waste food while plants don't waste.

Why is there more than one Vacuole in some plant cells?

Some plant cells have multiple vacuoles to help maintain turgor pressure and provide structural support. These vacuoles can store nutrients, water, and waste products separately, allowing for more efficient regulation of cellular processes. Additionally, multiple vacuoles can serve different functions within the cell, such as storage or detoxification.

Is Vacuoles smaller or larger in plant cells rather than animal cells?

It Is Larger!!

What is vacuole mean?

the vacuole is an organelle inside all cells that stores food in the cell. plants have much larger vacuoles than animals because plants need to store food for longer periods of time in case of lack of nutrients, sunlight, water, etc. while animals may move around to find and consume food.

What structure is large and single in a plant cell but small and numerous in an animal cell?

The vacuoles of plant cells are much larger than the vacuoles of animal cells, however most animal cells do not have vacuoles.