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Q: Why do pomeranians slide backwards so much?
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What nationality is pomeranians?

Pomeranians originally come from Pomerania, Germany. So, you could say their nationality is German. They even used to be called the "German Spitz" breed, but were later named Pomeranians because of the area of Germany they originally came from (Pomerania). Hope this helps! Regards, Ryan S. :)

How much do pomeranians usually go for?

It really depends on the height, age, and the fact if it is pure bread or not. So the prices go any from 300-2,300. thank you for reading :)

Are pomeranians good with five year olds?

Sometimes, it depends on they're personalities. All the pomeranians I've met love kids. So, the chances are, they may like them more than hate them.

Do pomeranians get along withother animals?

Well I think it depends on what animal it is!! [I think so]

Do pomeranians shed lots?

It's because instead of fur like other dogs pomeranians have hair like us humans do and we shed alot and so do they.

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"sdraw" spelled backwards is "wards", which is "backwards" without the "back". So the answer is "backwards"

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yadhtrib means birthday spelled backwards. so it pretty much means birthday

What is the purpose of a slide in a presentation?

They can be displayed on a slide so you know which slide you are on while giving a presentation. This can be useful in your planning and also knowing how far through a presentation you are, and how much more there is left to be presented.

What is a slide triangle bikini?

A slide triangle bikini is a bikini that the triangles can slide along a string so you can adjust how much cleavage you want to show. If you want to show a lot, you simply slide them more to the outside. If you don't want to show a lot of cleavage you slide them in.

What is the purpose of slide numbers in a presentation?

They can be displayed on a slide so you know which slide you are on while giving a presentation. This can be useful in your planning and also knowing how far through a presentation you are, and how much more there is left to be presented.

Why wont a book slide forever if you give it a push across the floor?

because it has friction and theirs to much fiction on the floor so it doesn't slide forever. ;)

What surface does a slide has to have so you can slide on it?

it needs to be slippery. obvs. how else could you slide on it