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Senator's have 6 year terms because the Founding Fathers wanted to form a branch of government that was more steady. For example, in the House of Representatives, a Congressmen only has a 2 year term, so new ideas could be presented more often. The point of the Senate was to allow ideas to remain over a longer period of time, to get the ideas of the Presidential administration finished. The longer terms also allow fewer partisan influences and prevented the public opinion from having such a huge factor on the Senator's mind.

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All US senators are elected to a 6-year term except when a new state is created. In order to stagger the terms so that only a third of the senate is up for election at any one time, some of the new senators may have shorter terms.

The only other reason a senator would serve for less time than 6-years would be if he took over the term of someone else who left office before his term ran out or, of course, if he left office before his own term expired.

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United States Senators serve a term of six years in office. There is no limit on how many terms a Senator can be elected to serve. The terms are staggered so that 1/3 of the Senators come up for election every two years.

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