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Asian guys don't smoke.

The US, Australia, and Europe smokes a lot. They influenced others to smoke too.

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Q: Why do so many Asian guys smoke?
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Do European girls like Asian guys?

everyone have their own preference. so, yes there are white girls who like Asian guys and there are who don"t.

Do Asian guys only like blonde girls?

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It the odds. In Red China they abort a lot of female babies so there are a lot more men in Red China than women. The largest Asian country is Red China. So a lot of Asian guys can't get a girl.

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I really don't have a good answer. Just that these guys turn you on. Some guys like only big guys. Some guys like just black guys. It really is so different for each person. I would just enjoy yourself with Asian men.

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Answer Personally I don't know if Asian guys are cute or not as I am a man, but Asian women are very cute. Cutness is all in the eyes of the beholder, so who you may find as cute, another person may find that person not so cute. You have to go on your own judgement. I guess, it is a matter of personal taste.

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i am a white girl and i am utterly and completely IN LOVE with an Asian guy. i think that asians are sexy, funny, and intelligent! so yeah! white girls go for Asian guys, of course i mean why not!? Sure they do! they won't care if you're Asian just as long as she knows you care.

Why do girls hate Asian guys?

I don't, i think they're alright. I went out with 3 of them before i got married. lol, it's all about the guns. work on the guns (arms)! Lol, yeah. It doesn't really matter.. Who said girls don't like Asian guys? Well I like Asian guys a lot... they are the sweetest guys from all of the races! (im not Asian btw im Mexican, Spanish and Irish) so maybe it doesn't matter...

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0k So My Name is Deisy; Im a Latina, &nd I Love Asian Guysz, Its Pretty Funny How iStarted Likinq Asian Men.. iCame From A Lonq Trip &nd B00M 0ut 0f Nowhere iStarted Thinkinq 0f Asia Guys &nd How Hot They Are. But There's 0nly 0ne Problem... Do Asian Guys Go For Latinas?

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I really can't answer that question. I mean I am Asian but it is just your opinion in whether you think someone is pretty or not. Maybe you're asking that question because you personally like Asians but yeah it's more of an opinion. I am Asian as well, and i agree that it is an opinion. but maybe asians look pretty to u because their eyes r very unique and most Asian eyes r slanted in a cute kinda way. I'm part Asian nd so many guys are always saying I'm so pretty.i don't know if its just me or that also cause most of the my friends who are Asian are like flawless. most guys say that's why but it depends on if you like Asians or not

Why do Asian girls like white guys?

because they think we are sexy << not just because they think your sexy. they don't really have a reason to LIKE someone. Its just like an Asian girl liking an Asian guy, and a white girl liking a white guy. I believe anyone can like anyone and not have to look at their ethnicity to decide who they like. I'm asian and the only thing I look for in a guy is if they like me for who I am, and I don't need to change to impress him. I don't take into account if he is white, asian, etc. I would like a guy for who he is.

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0.3% of the population is Asian. So about 160 thousand asians live in Argentina

Why do so many people smoke weed if it smells absolutely repulsively disgusting?

People that smoke "weed" don't smoke it for the smell of the smoke, they smoke it for the effect it has on them.