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Christians believe the sacrament of marriage is one to be shared by one man and one woman. They believe the point of marriage is to have children. Although gay people can adopt, it is not possible to have a child with another person of the same sex and therefore Christians see gay relationships as pointless.

The majority of people see this way of thinking as discrimination and so the Christian church might have to rethink its views on this subject.

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Q: Why do some Christians shun gay people?
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What do the Christians teach on homosexuality?

Most Christians teach that if gay people pursue love and sexual fulfillment, they are sinners. Some Christians show a more accepting, tolerant viewpoint.Most Christians teach that if gay people pursue love and sexual fulfillment, they are sinners. Some Christians show a more accepting, tolerant viewpoint.

Are there gay muslim's?

Of course! There are gay/lesbian/bi/trans etc. people in every culture, religion, race, and country. The only difference is that some communities accept these people and some condemn, criminalize, and shun them.

Should you shun gay people?

No, you should not shun gay people. Everyone deserves respect and acceptance regardless of their sexual orientation. Embracing diversity and being inclusive is important for creating a more compassionate and understanding society.

What percentage of gay people are Christians?

There are a huge number of gay Christians. Most gay Christians are closeted, but the Metropolitan Community Church and the United Church of Christ have large gay followings.

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Do Christians believe in gay rights?

There is a wide array of different views among Christians regarding gay rights. Christians do not all always think with a single mind. Some support gay rights and many do not.

Why do Christians hate the gays since they exist and their existence is the direct result of God as God is the creator of all things so he at least thought about the gay and considered it?

Most homophobic Christians hold tight to the false belief that being gay is a choice, and gay people are choosing sin. Some Christians believe being gay is normal, but gay people are not allowed to find love or get married. They must live alone in celibacy in order to please God.

Who doesn't agree that gay people are born that way?

Generally speaking, only some older people and some conservative Christians feel that being gay is a choice. Also that majority of Muslim countries teach that it is a choice.The majority of people in western countries have now come to realize that sexual orientation is innate.

Who is the god of gay people?

gay people practice all different kinds of religion. Gay people can be Christians, Jews, Muslims, Pagans, Atheists, Agnostics, Unitarians, Buddhists, etc. There is no god of gay people.

Why are some christians gay?

Because some of EVERY group on the planet is gay. It's natural, so there is no way to avoid it.

Why do gay people hate Christians?

Because the bible says homosexuality is wrong, and it is a sin. nobody says that we hate gays its just we dont agree with it. but if someone is being hateful that is not the way the bible says to handle the situation.According to the Bible you can't enter kingdom of God if you practice homosexuality.The question is a generalization that is false. There are people that are extremely uncomfortable with the concept. The Bible says that it is an abomination. The Bible also says that it is not our part to judge others, that right is reserved for God.

Do all Christians hate gays?

No. I have my own mind and can make my own decisions. I don't hate gay people. Honestly, I've come across more people that pick on Christians just for being Christian than Christians picking on gays. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but people talk unjust crap about us too. I had two gay friends in high school by the way, and they were awesome.