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Because wrapping foods in side breads Provides flavor, and keeps moisture within the food

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Q: Why do some cultures like to wrap foods inside bread or use it as an eating tool?
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Should acidic foods be eaten after eating moldy bread?

No clue but you might want to go to the doctor.

What is the best heartburn diet to follow?

The best foods to eat when you suffer from heartburn are bland foods. Eating rice, bread, or applesauce are a better choices than spicy foods or acidic foods like tomato sauce.

Which two cultures influenced the foods of belgium?

The French and English cultures influenced the foods of Belgium

What are some name brand foods with active cultures?

live cultures can be found mostly in foods that were once living or come from animal. a few examples, are meat, bread, cheese, and milk. these are the most common foods that contain live cultures. about milk though, when milk first comes out of the cow, it has plenty of live cultures in it but most milk we drink doesn't. this is because all milk in America is pasteurized. during pasteurization, most live cultures are killed. this might sound good to you but when milk is pasteurized, 75 percent of good bacteria and healthy minerals are killed. this means that it takes three cups of milk to get the value of one unpasteurized cup. if you can find milk that isn't pasteurized, it will have live cultures. back to the subject, cheese, bread and meat are the most common foods that have live cultures because unpasteurized milk is illegal.

I can't put on weight?

just eating fatty foods wont help you, try eating a high carb diet including lots of bread and pasta and other similar items

What is the importance of eating exotic food?

While it is not integral to ones existence to eat food from cultures and regions one is not from, eating food that seems foreign is both enjoyable and educational. Different cultures use varying types of ingredients and flavor profiles, so trying foods from other places will allow you to eat new, interesting foods and expand your palate. Food is also often a window into the history, Natural Resources, and practices of a given region/group. Eating foods from different cultures will not only be delicious, but may help you better understand people with very different experiences from your own.

What foods are baptists prohibited from eating?

They may eat what ever they have available. Just pray over it and have faith that God has provide your daily bread.

What are the foods that are included in go foods?


How would you loose belly fat by eating certain foods?

You wouldnt' only by eating certain foods and not eating certain foods.

Does Whole Foods carry Ezekiel bread?

Yes. Either in the frozen foods section or bread section.

What makes the best low carb diet so effective?

the best low card diet is so effective because it contains hardly no carbs, you can achieve this by not eating such foods as bread, fish and other foods.

What are some high carb foods?

Bread and pastas and cereal are all high carb foods. The best place to get them is the grocery store. Be careful though because you will get fat eating a lot of carbohydrates with out burning them off.