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When they were younger the parents gave them whatever they wanted because they didn't want to have to deal with a screaming child. The negative behavior was reinforcedso now the person thinks that crying and screaming is the only way to get what they want. They are selfish, manipulative and immature. Compromise is a big part of being an adult and a fair person. Dont give in to the guilt trip.

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Q: Why do some people cry to get their own way?
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What does it mean if you get mad but instead you cry?

When some people get very angry they cry out of frustration. Other people may only cry when they see a sad movie; yet others will cry on a dime and it is just a way to release the tension in the body.

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Some people cry like babies because crying starts as a baby and continues through ones life the same way!!!!

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Anger because some people cry or others let it out by violence. Also sadness sometimes you can see them cry or have no emotion at all

What do you do if you want to cry but you feel tough?

Whether a female or male of any age some people believe the myth that crying is a weakness and it is not! Some people just are private about their feelings and just because they don't cry doesn't mean they don't care. People who want to be tough are trying to stay strong and believe crying is a weakness or they may embarrass themselves, but crying is a healthy way to relieve tension of traumas in a persons life. Some people may not cry in front of others, but cry in the privacy of their own room. Being tough is not always a good thing and even the strongest of men will sooner or later break down in their life and cry.

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some people fallow their own believes

What is another way of saying some people hear a different drummer?

some people fallow their own believes

Why do you cry when you are happy?

Any strong emotion can make you cry - crying is a way to release emotion. Often, people will cry if something makes them very happy, or if it is very beautiful.

Is there Devil May Cry costumes for kids?

no,there is no devil may cry kids costumes.the only way to have a devil may cry kids costume is to make your own

Why do some people cry when they are at weddings?

Weddings are often emotional events filled with love, joy, and meaningful moments. Some people may cry due to these intense emotions, nostalgia, or witnessing the union of loved ones. Crying can be a natural reaction to overwhelming feelings of happiness or sentimentality.

Do people cry when they get bullied?

Yes. Because being bullied is a way of humiliation which is not good.

How do you get your own way?

Well if your talking about getting what you want, cry or beg and hopefullly the person your asking will give it to you that's what I used to do ;)

Why do people enjoy crying?

People can cry when they are happy; sad or frustrating and it's the bodies way of releasing tension in the body which makes the person feel better after having a good cry. Crying also clears out the tear ducts. Generally people do not want to feel so sad and frustrated that it makes them cry and those that cry from happiness are feeling great joy.