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There are multiple possible answers:

  • Because they are different and people fear what they don't or can't understand.
  • In my opinion it is because in The Bible it says that man was made for woman and woman for man. In Mark 10 it says, "For this reason a MAN will leave his father and mother and be united with his WIFE." If it didn't matter if you were gay or not then he would say something like "be united with the one that person loves" or something like that or he/she. But in a section in Romans ch.1 it talks about how gross it is for a man to be with another man, or woman with another woman. Therefore we should judge them all we want.
  • In my opinion there are consequences when we disobey what God says. God gave the gift of marriage and love between a man and a woman to us, when he created us. That gift has been perverted by people in general who don't believe and by the court system. No matter what people believe, this topic is a sin in God's eyes. Either God is true or He is not. There are no gray areas with God. Either something is sin or it is not, no gray areas. Our job as Christians is to love people no what they are into, but hate their sins. But this is my opinion.
  • Because humans, as a race, are jealous, small minded and idiot creatures who do not realise the irrelevance of our own existence. Especially those who stick to the bible like glue. They are hypocrites who teach that one should not judge (for example in the case of the good samaritan), yet at the same time believe themselves to be so holy, so pure, that they can separate the 'good' and the 'bad' from society. They are not so much worshipping God, but pretending to be him. But that is my opinion.
  • In my opinion it is because they think that they know the mind of God. Forgetting that we see as though in a glass darkly and it is only after death that we shall see clearly until such time we should not cast stones as we are not without sin.
  • When judging gays people really shouldn't refer to the Bible since homosexuality has been around long before Christianity came about. But it's true that people fear what they do not know. I would also think, they themselves would find it insulting if so many strangers were so judgemental of what people do between the sheets, since that is where the so-called difference is even though straight people have threesomes now and then. So I guess sexually there is no difference. Straight men like anal sex too. The most important thing is the ability to fall in love and how awful life would be if we did not have that. Sometimes people don't agree with it until their own child comes out of the closet. And not even then. Shame on them for being bad parents.
  • People judge gay, lesbian and bisexual people because of negative religious influence. They are taught to condemn people who are different from the pulpits of most churches and religionists are extremely self-righteous people.
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6y ago
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12y ago

People think that gays and lesbians are perverts, and the bible condems them so does other religious books.

but at the same time its no ones place to go judging anyone or not treating others the way they want to be treated...even when someone has wronged you it says in the bible to love them, and to forgive. it also says that you are not to judge people in other words leave that to God. if you personally believe they are all preverts then that's your personal choice...and opinion...but i don't think anyone deserves to be treated unfairly due to the life they live bc when it all boils down we are all sinners.

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10y ago

They are physically beaten on a regular basis for defying what some people consider god's purpose of a man and a women being together.

Name calling happens a lot.

Until recent U.S. federal changes, they were also not allowed to get married and have any of the rights a married couple has. (hospital visits, insurance, etc)

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12y ago

Some, people are homophobic - An extreme and irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexual people. This could be because, of peoples strong views introduced to them during their upbringing. For example: A dad See's a homosexual and shouts at him and makes rude remarks', this sticks in the child's mind and could cause them to react like this. Or it could be strong views, introduced by their religion, which causes them to believe that they should stay away from homosexuals. I believe homosexuality is wrong as my religion says so, but it gives me no right to act towards a homosexual in an abrupt nature.

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11y ago

their not always bullied its just because people see them as being different and not the same as them when they are and i dont get why people dislike gay or lesbian people we are all the same and we are all different they just need to except it

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6y ago

Low Hanging Fruit TheoryThe Bible is full of laws. So why not take a biblical law that's easy to follow, and condemn other people for breaking it. We don't go around judging people for violating the Sabbath (which the Bible calls an abomination), because, oops, we may have had work on the sabbath that one day a few weeks ago. We definitely don't condemn people for getting tattoos (Leviticus 19:28) because our children or parents might have one. Or maybe we have one.

But homosexuality is safe to make a case out of because we're not even tempted by that one.

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6y ago

This is not something new. For centuries this has existed and laws passed. Da Vinci in Renaissance Florence, Italy was arrested for picking up a young man and put in jail. He just about lost it all because he was gay. Many use the Bible to discriminate against gays and lesbians, but many men and Women in History have been gay or lesbian.

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6y ago

Humans have a tendency to hate things that are different than they are, both in terms of behavior and belief.

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6y ago

Most homophobia has its origins in religion. Other times, homophobes might be dealing with personal insecurities.

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I think you mean HOMOPHOBIA, which means unreasonable hatred of homosexuals. Here are some sentences.People with homophobia usually are afraid that they are homosexuals themselves.John has a bad case of homophobia.Homophobia is wrong because people should accept other people without hating them.

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People who are scared of homosexuals are often referred to as homophobic. It is important to address and challenge such fears by promoting understanding, empathy, and acceptance of diversity.

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Assuming you mean children, the answer is no. Only married couples (homosexuals are not allowed to marry) or singles can adopt children.

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Yes. Heterosexual people do it, so why can't homosexuals do it?

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