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Why not? Rhetorical questions, as their name implies, are a rhetorical device designed to draw the readers in and make them think. Is this not the point of a reflective essay?

(Alas, although the reader of your essay will be able to spot a rhetorical question, the robots employed by WikiAnswers cannot. They get all shirty when one attempts to answer a question with a rhetorical question, as above.)

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Q: Why do some writers include rhetorical questions in their reflective essays?
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to help writers accomplish their rhetorical goals

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What are images when they are included in writing work?

B. help writers accomplish their rhetorical goals. (Apex)

What is one main reason writers like thoreau use rhetorical questions in their writing?

Now, why would a writer want to ask a rhetorical question?If you think about it, you can figure it out. Don't you think they want you to use your brain instead of just being told everything flat out? Maybe they want to make something obvious, or to make a stronger point.

Why do writers asks questions in their writings?

That is called rhetorical questions it is used have an affect on the reader it makes the reader answer the question in their heads and really think about it deeply. The question is usually linked with the wrest of the writing.

Why do writers use rhetoric?

Rhetoric is the art of convincing people verbally. Rhetorical questions are used in an argument when asking a question forces the listener to think of an argument that they might not otherwise have considered. A well-constructed rhetorical question will both direct the listener's thoughts to a question they hadn't considered, and also have only one sensible answer, being the one the writer wanted.

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