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Teachers seem to give out a lot of homework at one time but only because there are many different subjects they have to cover. Teachers can't give out a boat load of homework but they can give you a good amount of homework to get the lesson stuck good in your mind. and because it will kill you

lol XD

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2w ago

Teachers assign homework to reinforce learning, allow students to practice and apply what they've learned, and to help students develop discipline, time management, and study skills. Homework also serves as a way for teachers to gauge understanding and provide additional practice and feedback.

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10y ago

Teachers give students homework because it reinforces what they learned in class or prepares them for a lesson. In addition, it provides students an opportunity to develop good study habits and responsibility.

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10y ago

Teachers give so much homework for many reasons.

1. The teacher has a lot of material to cover and not enough class time to fully discuss it. The teacher is forced to assign lots of homework in order to cover the material.

2. The teacher wants to have the student to use their brain and think hard, pushing the student to a higher academic standard by assigning lots of homework.

3. The teacher has difficulty lecturing the course materials to students but still knows the course material. They hope that lots of homework will make students come to the teacher for questions so the teacher can better explain it to the students.

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Do teachers give too much homework?

in my opinion i think teachers give way to much homework for a student to handle. There also comes a time when i think that teachers do this to students to prepare for the future at hand. Also, i play softball so i think that they should give students less homework in one day and give it another day.

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yes because teachers just give kids so much homework and kids need time to study for tests and do homework instead of sitting in class listening to teachers and getting more homework.

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Should homework be lowered for more reading?

It depends on how much they set. There should be at least three hours of homework per week per subject - any more than that and you are receiving too much. However, if the amount of homework is decreased too much, it defeats to point in setting it. Homework is set to not only test your understanding of a subject without teacher aid, but also to get you to work on your own. This means that, if homework was indeed decreased, there would be less chance for you to work on your own and, therefore, you would lack the practice when you get onto further or higher education.

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How much and the difficulty of a fifth grader's homework depends a lot on the teacher they have. So, if they are getting easy homework, it could be that the teacher has lower expectations or is less demanding than other teachers.

Should you assign homework?

I'm still in school, but yes you should assign homework. Even though most people hate it, including me, homework is extra practice. So that way, if you need help, the teacher can see or help you. Plus, it seperates the people who actually pay attention to the slackers.

How many teachers think that homework helps you become smarter?

None. Teachers know that doing homework helps you to learn the material better so that you can pass their class and succeed in life.

Why does summer homework exist?

Most kids forget a lot over the summer when they're not working, so teachers assign practice to help them keep their brains active, and also new material to give them a head start on the next school year.

Can teachers give out homework for the summer?

Teachers can do whatever they want in their classroom so long as it helps the students learn better.