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Because you are unhappy with YOU! You haven't done something or did it and didn't do it well. You are disappointed in yourself and so you start picking away at your boyfriend. This isn't uncommon and I must admit I do it myself to my husband on occasion, but realize, it's me who is sad, depressed or angry at myself and I resolve the problem and always apologize for my behavior. Sit down and figure out why you are so unhappy. Remember this, if he does something like leaving the toilet seat up, not putting the cap on the tooth past, forgetting to clean his finger nails if he's working on a car, just how would you feel if you knew he would never be coming in that door to see you again because something terrible happened to him! Those little annoyances wouldn't be so tragic and you're give up anything to have him back doing those very things. Think about it! Good luck Marcy

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Q: Why do you always pick on little things your boyfriend says or does?
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well what kind of things? like were to eat or how come you put that on. or the mean stuff. if it's the little stuff get over it. but if it's past stuff then forgive it. look same times the best thing is wright in front of us and we pick it apart tell their is nothing left. an all we need to do was look at what we have and what wonderful things that are before us. sometimes we don't have to have all the stress an drama, if we would learn to forgive and LOVE freely.

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