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Fiber is a binding agent that absorbs fat and bulks up your waste matter.

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Q: Why do you constipate when you eat foods rich in fiber?
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What fiber rich diet help someone with no fiber? Populations that eat greater amounts of fiber-rich foods are generally healthier. While all of the reasons for this are not known, it may be because the fiber-rich

Is a fiber supplement better than eating more fiber food?

You can use it in combination with eating fiber rich foods. Sometimes it's not so practical to take in the fiber rich foods at work or at a business meeting. A fiber supplement can add in more fiber and you can often add it to a drink or to oatmeal or other foods. If you find you can't eat enough fiber daily, you may want to buy a fiber supplement.

Why is it healthful to eat foods containing fiber?

it gives you fiber

In what ways could a Fiber Rich Diet help you lose weight?

Fiber is very filling, so this will make you eat less of things that are not as rich in fiber. Fiber rich foods stay in your system longer which almost tricks you into thinking you are still full. It is also very healthy for you because it helps keep your colon system clean.

What are the best high in fiber foods to eat?

Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains are the best high fiber foods to eat.

What are some good, high fiber foods to eat when I'm on a diet?

You can start your day with a bowl of bran cereal to getsome fiber. A diet rich in green vegetables and fruits will also be high in fiber and help with your diet.

What can you eat that will constipate you?

chocolate lots of it

Fiber: Nature's Cleaning Brush?

The fiber in the food that you eat flows through the small intestine, into the colon and then is expelled from your body. This pattern allows fiber-rich foods to clean your digestive tract and enhance regularity. Fiber can be looked upon as nature�s cleaning brush. Foods that are rich in fiber include fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains. Add these foods slowly to your meal plan to allow your digestive tract time to adjust to the changes in your diet. Also, drink plenty of water. You�ll experience the many benefits of fiber foods as you lose weight.

What should you do to get regular motions?

To get regular motions, you should eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and increase your water intake. You should also eat plenty of fiber-rich foods and exercise daily.

Why is it important to eat foods that contain fiber?

its just important

To prevent constipation one should eat food rich in?


What are the top foods that make people obese?

they can eat many things but no snacks in-between that will help also go and see your GP who will also give u advise.