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Q: Why do you have a front and back placenta?
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What does it mean if your placenta is in the back instead of the front?

it just means its not in the front, and in the back.

Low lying placenta and baby is back to back what problems does this give you?

You have the risk of the placenta blocking the birth canal. Possible C section

What is the name when the afterbirth lies in front of the baby?

I believe it is an anterior placenta

What are the risks with the placenta positioned at the front?

the baby could eat you in your sleep

What is posterior grade 2 high lying placenta?

Posterior placenta is when the placenta is located at the back of the motherÃ?s uterus. Placenta praevia means the placenta has not moved up towards the top of the uterus to get ready for birth. Grade 2 means the placenta is near the cervix but not blocking it.

What is fundal posterior placental position?

A fundal posterior position of the placenta simply means that the placenta is resting at the back of the uterus. Ultrasounds should be taken to ensure that the placenta is not laying low, which can cause placenta previa.

What is posterior placenta grade 2 means?

A posterior placenta grade 2 means that the placenta is located closer to the back. This is commonly seen at 30 weeks of pregnancy and is considered normal.

Can the fetus be positioned behind the placenta?

yes as long as the baby is not on top of the placenta- i.e its weight does not put pressure on the placenta, it is fine; and during the course of gestation the placenta settles to the best position for the abby and mom!

What does a posterior placenta with grade 2 maturity mean?

This is a term used in pregnancy to describe the placenta positioning. Grade two posterior placenta means that the placenta is facing the back of the uterus. It is located in the lower segment and touching the edge of the cervical opening but is not completely covering it.

How far back does a placenta drug test go?

9 months

What does 'placenta Anterior mean in doctors notes after a pregnancy scan?

It means that your placenta is in the front of your uterus. This is not an issue in early pregnancy as the placenta usually moves as pregnancy progresses. If it is still anterior near end of pregnancy it can make you have to have a C-section. Also, it will be harder to feel the baby's kicks and movement as an anterior placenta cushions the baby from the tummy.

What structure carries blood between the fetus and the placenta?

Umbilical Cord