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Q: Why do you have to poke holes in potatoes before cooking them?
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What precaution should you take before microwaving whole vegetables that have skin and why?

The veggies have to be washed before eating and before cooking to remove any harmful bacteria that may cause food poisoning. Why? You have to poke holes in the skin of the veggies, or it will burst.

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Why should you poke holes in hot dogs before you bake it?

To allow steam to escape without splitting the hot dog.

What temperature do you use to cook new potatoes?

300 degrees in a oven,high in a microwave.

Do you poke holes in your solar oven?

I don't think so

Is it bad to poke holes in cellphone batteries?

yes, they could explode

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If you only poke ONE hole, the contents will NOT be released as quickly as when poking TWO holes. The second hole allows for air to pressurize the space above the liquid contents.

What is the proper cooking time and temperature for a large baked potato?

In a oven 1 to 1 1/2 hours at 300 degrees in microwave on high for 10 minutes.Which ever way you cook it poke holes in it with a fork.

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They can if you poke small holes into the box

What things explode in the microwave if you dont poke holes in it?

eggs, ithink grapes do

Why can't you bake yams in a fire place?

You can! Make sure you poke some holes in the skin of the yam, then wrap with foil. Cooking time is similar to that of conventional ovens, and is dependent upon the size of the yam/sweet potato or Idaho.

Why should you poke a hole in a potato before baking it?

As the potato heats up (either in oven or microwave) steam builds from the moisture within the potato. If you do not vent (poke holes) the potato, there is a possibility that the potato could mildly explode from the trapped pressure caused by the steam.