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Q: Why do you lunge forward when your car suddenly comes to a halt?
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What does the phrase ''abrupt halt'' mean?

stop suddenly/quickly

The commander of troops commands colors center (pause) march. How many steps do the colors take forward and halt?

The colors take two steps forward and then halt.

How many steps do the colors take forward and halt?


What would happen if all ocean currents suddenly came to halt?

They would not be Ble To keep going

A car that brakes suddenly comes to a screeching halt Is the sound energy produced in this conversion a useful form of energy?

because it have sound energy

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The commander of the troops commands colors center march. how many steps do the colors take forward and halt?


The commander of troops commands colors center (pause) march. How many steps do colors take forward and halt?


The commander of troops commands colors center (pause) March. How many steps do the colors take forward in Halt?


Why does an airplane suddenly stall then crash?

To use basic physics term, it runs out of momentun- and comes to an abrupt halt or a dead stop! This could happen if the power is lost- as stall suggests, or trim and flaps ( intended for lower-speed flight) were in the wrong settings, this has happened also.

What is the definition of the word blocked?

The definition of the word blocked is: to stop, prevent from proceeding, halt or otherwise impede such that a forward progression is impaired or prevented.

What if your chat on AIM suddenly stops working?

You've probably lost your connection. AIM will halt even if it's just a brief interruption in connectivity. Just restart AIM.