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Carbohydrates are mainly sugars, and sugars are what the body needs to convert the food into energy (note: these carbohydrate "sugars" are not the same kinds of sugars found in candy bars and junk food, meaning you can't just eat junk food all the time to sustain your body's energy supply). <br><br>Fats are just used by the body as heat insulators, and also stored energy reserves. <br><br>When people put on weight, it is because they eat more food than the body needs, and the excess carbs are stored as energy reserves in the form of fat cells. The only way to get rid of the stored energy reserves, or fat cells, is to eat less and move around more. <br><br>People should be cautious when going on one of those "low carb diet" fads, however. It is not good to strictly limit your carb intake for long periods of time. The stored energy in fat cells is never as good as new energy coming into the body through carbs, so always eating some carbs is a good thing. If you're trying to lose weight, the best thing to do is eat HEALTHY carbohydrates (sweet potatoes, beans, whole wheat products), increase your protein intake (fish, chicken, meats - protein helps prevent your from becoming fatigued during exercise and also helps repair muscles, along with a host of other things), WORK OUT (lifting weights in combo with cardio), and DRINK LOTS OF WATER TO FLUSH OUT YOUR SYSTEM. <br><br>Tried and true. <br><p></p><p>

</p>You don't necessary need carbohydrates more than fats carbohydrates are just like calories except they give you energy faster and if you don't use them right away they turn into fat.

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12y ago

You need carbohydrates to provide the daily amount of energy needed.

Though you should not cut carbohydrates out of your diet you can reply some with protiens(Which also provide 4 calories per gram) or Fats(Which provides 9 calories per gram).

Carbohydrates are your body's MAIN source of energy, so don't forget to provide your body with them!

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Q: Why do you need carbohydrates more than fats?
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Does Metabolism of fats produce more ATP molecules per gram than metabolism of carbohydrates or proteins?

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Are carbohydrates structurally more complex than fats and proteins?

yes they are

Why are carbohydrates needed daily?

Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy and should be the major part of total daily intake. There are two types of carbohydrates: simple carbohydrates (such as sugar or honey) or complex carbohydrates

Do fats contain large amounts of energy per gram?

Fats provide a form of store energy. Fats can provide more than half the energy that the body needs and twice as much as than carbohydrates

How much more energy does fat supply than carbohydrates?

Fats actually contain a lot more energy than carbohydrates. The reason carbohydrates are used for energy before fats is because carbohydrates are easier to break down; reactions involving carbohydrates generally have a lower activation energy. This means that less energy is used to release the energy in the bonds of the carbohydrates than fats. In other words, although fats contain more energy, it is more efficient for the body to break down carbohydrates than fats. Once carbohydrate supplies diminish, fat stores can be broken down to use for energy, but doing so is not the body's favorite thing to do.

Why are fats so difficult for the body to breakdown?

fats are more complex than other forms of carbohydrates so it take more energy for the body to break them down, so generally if it doesn't need to it doesn't break them down if your body needs the energy it will break down the fats

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What contains more energy than carbohydrares?

Fats contains more energy than carbohydrates. As can be found on many food nutrition labels, carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram, Proteins also have 4 calories per gram but fats have 9 calories per gram.

What percentage of calories do you need from fats?

no more than 30%

Do fats contain less energy than an equal amount of carbohydrates?
