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There are primary reasons for people to drink water after a massage. The first has to do with substances released by the muscles as the massage therapist manipulates them, and the second has to do with ensuring that the muscles of the body are properly hydrated.

In the case of the first reason, water after a massage helps the body flush out any accumulated materials in the muscles which were released during the massage. Especially in the case of deep tissue massage, massage stimulates circulation in the body while expressing water, salt, and other minerals from the muscles, and circulation is designed to carry away waste materials generated by cells. By providing the body with plenty of water, massage clients can help sweep away these waste materials; otherwise, they might build up, causing muscle aches and soreness after a massage.

In the case of lymphatic massage, drinking water after a massage is especially important, as the stimulation of the lymphatic circulation system can generate a large release of wastes in the body. If one thinks of the lymph system as the sewer pipes of the body, collecting unwanted waste material and carrying it away for disposal, lymphatic massage is like a drain cleaner, so water helps flush the drain, in a sense.

Most importantly, people should drink water after a massage because massage can be dehydrating. The manipulation of the muscles depletes them of water, and also moves the fluid in the interstitial spaces between the muscles around. By drinking water, people can rehydrate their muscles, reducing the potential for pain and soreness in the days following a massage. For the same reason, people drink water after exercise and other forms of exertion, because when the muscles are worked, they lose water and electrolytes.

Many people also like to drink a glass of water after a massage because it helps bring them back down to earth. After a massage, people can feel a bit spacey and disoriented; having a glass of water while sitting on the massage table can help bring the body and mind back to the present, and it gives the client time to slowly return to the real world.

I am an LMT and I got this info from

From another poster:

You do not need to drink it, though it is usually encouraged. In general, water is good for you to drink, and most people do not drink enough. The other reason has to do with the fact that massage is like doing mild exercise, and, during any exercise or work that we do with our bodies, it will run smoother with a little more water. The other reason, and the one that is taught in massage schools, is because it helps flush out metabolic toxins. This is most likely true, though its overall impact on the body may not play that significant of a role. But it sure sounds like a good idea. So, to promote proper functioning of the body, especially after activity, massage therapists are often trained to offer water after they give a massage.

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12y ago

You dont have to drink water after a visit to the chiropractor in ordinary circumstances. If your chiropractor has asked you to drink water after your visit then they probably have reasons specific to your case and you should ask them what those reasons are.

There is no research to show that drinking water is necessary after a visit to a chiropractor.


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Massage does not dehydrate you. Massage therapy circulates your blood and lymph moving along metabolic waste so it is a good idea to drink water after a massage to help clean out your system. Experienced massage therapists can also tell if you are dehydrated because the tone and elasticity of your tissue changes when you have not been drinking enough water. It is very common for people to be dehydrated and many massage therapists recommend drinking water after receiving massage.

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Yes taking a bath is safe after a massage. It helps keep the blood flowing after the massage and allows the muscle to stay relaxed longer. However, you shouldn't stay in hot water too long. Also make sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

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