

Why do you need to eat meat?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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6y ago

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Answer - Vegetarian

Because of culture, tradition, habit and they think it's good for them.


People eat meat because it's a natural part of human life and also enjoyable. It has its health benefits as well, and can be a lot easier compared to vegan/vegetarian diets when wanting to know what's okay to eat and what isn't.


People eat meat because the human race is one of predatorial omnivores. Meaning that we are hunters who can eat whatever is available.

And that's all there is to it, really.

AnswerPeople eat meat because of the nutrients found in meat which can be absorbed by the body more easily than from vegetable sources. Iron and selenium are just two examples. Now even though these nutrients may be in vegetable sources, they are not easily utilized by the body in a vegetable form.

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13y ago
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7y ago

This is one of those questions that is purely based on a person's point of view. Many similar questions have been asked on this site about this same question, and can be seen in the related questions below.

Human anatomy doesn't suggest that eating meat is necessary, as there are many foods with the same types of nutrition as meats. This means that vegetarians definitely don't have to eat meat, but should they eat meat is a slightly different story. Vegetarianism if executed properly can be much more healthy than an average diet, but however makes it slightly more difficult to eat at public restaurants. A vegetarian would have to be prepared to make their own food and experiment a little with their diet to get enough variety in the nutrition they'll be consuming. It's fair to say that a vegetarian should eat meat if they are incapable of this, but after an extended period of being vegetarian, meat may be quite difficult do digest.
The reason why people need to eat meat is because it gives us the protein we need to live.

The above response is technically correct. However, depending on what type of meat your are eating you are also ingesting many bad fats and/or bad cholesterol. There is really no reason not to eat red meat occasionally, but chicken, pork, and fish are better options. You can also supplement some of the protein your body needs with whole grains, beans, and nuts.

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11y ago

You don't have to eat meat. It's generally a choice. Meat is a concentrated source of protein, and has some essential nutrients. Often, however, it is high in fat, and this can have some health effects. It is possible to avoid meat altogether, but the individual who does this will have to educate himself on the aspects of nutrition, foods and health in order to make up a diet that will support good health sans meat. If the issue is one where an individual does not wish to "harm" animals, the same admonitions apply. You'll have to learn what your body needs to function well, and you'll have to "source" it. That is, you'll have to learn what foods have the things your body needs in them, and then you'll have to shop and meal plan with and around them.

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6y ago

high in protein
Its good for your health.

Humans 'need' meat and poultry because they both provide a great source of protein for our bodies. The proteins are broken down by pepsin/protease enzymes eventually into amino acids. The amino acids are essential for human growth and development, and maintaining healthy body somatic cells. Remember that our DNA is made of genes which code for various proteins, and these proteins can only be made with amino acids, some of which we can't produce naturally and need from our diet!
To have a balanced diet and keep your works moving :-)
You DON'T need meat, anyone who tells you otherwise is very ignorant, talking about what they don't understand.

From meat, you can get protein, something which you need in your diet, but eating meat you are more likely to get several different types of cancers, food poisoning and hormones.

You can get protein from many other HEALTHIER things such as eggs and milk, dairy products etc.

Failing that, buy some protein sweets from a local chemist or something.

All in all, meat involves savagely murdering innocent animals, simply because it tastes nice, when really you are eating a dead animal's flesh and it is disgusting.

I've been a vegetarian for twelve years and I am healthier than any meat-eater there is.

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13y ago

Frrom a nutritional standpoint, humans don't need meat. Complete protein combinations can and are made (e.g. rice and beans) by the majority of humans throughout the world utilizing a meatless (or almost meatless) diet.

Since humans are omnivores, they can make use of meat and, historically, have done so by adding small quantities to various dishes.

It has been only during the last hundred years or so that human beings have increased their meat intake significantly. This has led to larger, sometimes obese individuals, more prone to the development of Heart disease and Diabetes, among many other conditions. Lean meats (with low saturated fat content) and minimization of sweet, processed foods allow ominvorous humans to lead a more healthy lifestyle than those who consume fried foods, processed meats and sugary sweets.

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7y ago

If you believe that it is wrong to hurt someone unnecessarily, then you shouldn't eat meat.

Most people believe that inflicting unnecessary suffering is wrong. Non-human animals, particularly vertebrates, suffer physical pain and even emotional distress in much the same way humans suffer. Because of this, most people would agree that humans should consider other animals’ suffering when determining the rightness or wrongness of an action.

Humans have no biological need to consume the flesh of other animals. Therefore, anything that humans do to animals to turn them into meat, such as confining them in small enclosures, separating them from their babies, removing their horns, beaks, toes, tails, or testicles without anesthesia, grinding them up alive, suffocating them, shooting them in the head with a bolt, or slitting their throats, involves the unnecessary infliction of suffering.

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15y ago

Meats contain things like proteins and small amounts of vitamins and minerals that the body needs to build and repair itself.

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13y ago

Because there is nothing wrong with doing so, humans have done so for many years and it's natural to our body, and many would say it's delicious if cooked and seasoned right.

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7y ago

They don't. Humans have no biological need to consume the flesh of other animals.

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6y ago

You don't. Humans can obtain all the nutrients they need from fruits, vegetables, legumes, seeds, and grains.

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