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Because he was an amoral warmonger

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Q: Why do you think Alexander planned to destroy some of the cities he conquered and sell the people into slavery?
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Did Pope Alexander like slavery?

There have been several popes named Alexander. However, if you are referring to Pope Alexander VI, he never gave his approval to the practice of slavery. However, some reading his papal bulls twisted their meanings and decided that Alexander had given Spain and Portugal the right to enslave the natives of countries they had conquered in the New World in order to force them to convert to Catholicism.

What was abolition about?

In Slavery,the act of trying to abolish, or destroy, slavery.-Snickers

Who was The former slave who preached resistance to slavery and planned a major slave uprising in Charleston was?

the former slave who preached resistance to slavery and planned a major uprising in Charleston was

Did Alexander the Great torture his slaves?

Yes, Alexander did allow slavery. While the city of Tyre was under siege, Alexander sold the women and children into slavery.

What was a disadvantage for the conquered city of Carthage?

The Romans destroyed it and sold its people into slavery.

In what ways was slavery detrimental to southern society?

the slavery has destroyed my foot for the south. In the salad, slaveary can destroy my leg

Was there slavery in eygpt?

Yes. In most ancient cities there were. Slaves were usually conquered enemies.

Why did africans sell africans into slavery?

Africans engaged in the transatlantic slave trade for various reasons, including economic incentives, political power struggles, and exploitation by European colonizers. Some African leaders and traders saw an opportunity to acquire goods, weapons, and power through selling captives to European slave traders. It is important to note that the responsibility for the transatlantic slave trade is shared among European colonizers, African leaders, and traders who all played a role in perpetuating this inhumane practice.

How did Alexander the great help unite people of his empire?

Alexander the Great united people through a common culture (Greek), allowing the people to keep their own religion and honoring all the religions of the people he conquered, and adopting parts of the cultures of his conquered territories.

What was Alexander's first major conquest?

Persia Alexandar from Macedonia, the first conquered place was, so called today, Greece, or Athens. The well known battle of Horonea, some 3 Century BC, 2 august. So, this is the braking point of all Greeks atempt to improve that Alexandaer the Great was greek... He was Macedonian!

Why did the Athens surrender so quickly to Alexander?

Alexander had destroyed Thebes and sold its people into slavery as a warning to other cites.

Lincolns' view on slavery?

disliked slavery, but did not believe the fed. gov. could ban it in places it already exists. "this struggle is to save the Union, not to either save or destroy slavery"