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It started with the Soviets setting up launch bases, in Cuba, that could hold Inter-Mediate Ballistic Missiles (IRBM). After a lot of laws and failed missions, the Soviets decided that they will remove the missiles from Cuba, if the US would remove the missiles from Turkey, and around Europe.

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Abbie Botsford

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It started with the Soviets setting up launch bases, in Cuba, that could hold Inter-Mediate Ballistic Missiles (IRBM). After a lot of laws and failed missions, the Soviets decided that they will remove the missiles from Cuba, if the US would remove the missiles from Turkey, and around Europe.

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Q: Why do you think Kennedy decided to remove U.S. Missiles from Turkey?
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What did President Kennedy secretly offer Nikita Khrushchev that helped end the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Kennedy offered to remove the American missiles from Turkey.

President Kennedy announced to the world the US would remove missiles from Turkey as part of resolution over the Cuban missile crisis?

Yes, and Khruschev announced he would remove the Soviet missiles from Cuba.

Did Kennedy put nuclear weapons in Turkey?

No, they had been put there by Eisenhower. By the time of the Cuban Missile crisis in 1962 they were already obsolete and Kennedy was considering replacing them with something newer or simply removing them and depending on longer range missiles based further from the border of the USSR. As part of the agreement with Kruschev to remove the missile launchers from Cuba, Kennedy secretly agreed to remove the missiles the US had in Turkey and not replace them.

The US was supposed to remove missiles from what country in the 60s?

turkey :)

Did President Kennedy remove nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve a crisis?

The placement of U.S. nuclear missiles in Turkey is thought to have provoked the Cuban Missile Crisis. Missiles in Turkey were close enough to strike Moscow, so Russia placed armaments in Cuba, which was within striking distance of U.S. soil. The Missile Crisis, began on October 14th 1962. Robert Kennedy said, during negotiations with the Russians that the missiles would be removed within a short time after the crisis ended. The Missile Crisis ended on October 28th of 62 and the missiles were quietly taken out of turkey some time after April 24th 1963.

What deal does Khrushchev proprise to Kennedy?

Chairman Khrushchev proposed in a letter to President Kennedy, dated October 27, 1962:The USSR would remove missiles from Cuba if the United States removed missiles from Turkey.The USSR would honor the sovereignty of Turkey if the United States did so for Cuba.

How did American president john k Kennedy get Castro to remove soviet missiles pointed at the us?

He made a deal with the Russians, who supplied missiles to Cuba. The deal was that if the Russians took the missiles out of Cuba, the USA would take their missiles out of Turkey. Both sides made concessions in order to save face and avert WWIII.

Did the US remove their missiles from turkey during the crisis?

After The Unites States negotiated with Russia about removing the missiles in Cuba The United States removed the missile from Turkey.

How did President John F. Kennedy respond to the Cuban missile crisis?

President Kennedy set up a naval blockade to turn back Soviet ships that were carrying missiles to Cuba. The US promised not to invade Cuba and to remove nuclear missiles from Turkey and Europe in exchange for the dismantling of missile bases in Cuba. The US claimed, that it had already planned the Turkey missile bases.

As a result of what war does JFK agree to pull American nuclear missiles out of turkey?

This did not come about because of any "war", but due to the confrontation between the US and the Soviet Union called the CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS. The US agitation over the missiles in Cuba was matched by Soviet agitation over the missiles in Turkey and the Soviets agreed that they would withdraw their weapons from Cuba if the US did similarly in Turkey.

How did the Cuban missiles crisis end?

It was in this Quarantine zone that the Essex Carrier Group was patrolling to prevent ships carrying Soviet missiles from reaching Cuba and also to prevent Soviet Submarines from passing by either. we might have seen the beginnings of World War 3 there, as the Soviet Submarines which patrolled that area were loaded with nuclear-tipped torpedoes and the missiles which were located on Cuba were also short to medium range nuclear missiles. But even so, after a ridiculous amount of correspondence between the two superpowers, Nikita Khrushchev agreed to remove his missiles from Cuba as long as JF Kennedy agreed to not invade Cuba. Agreeing to these terms Kennedy swore by everything holy not to invade, and Khrushchev did remove his missiles. The crisis was over.

Did Kennedy's cautious firmness with Khurschev during the Cuban missile crisis redsulted in the disassembling of the Russian missile?

Due to Kennedy's cautious firmness with Khrushchev during the Cuban missile crisis, the Soviets publicly dismantled their missiles positioned on Cuba. They returned the parts to the Soviet Union, in exchange for a public US declaration that the US would never invade Cuba.