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It is the last frontier ( Star Trek) and there are things, planets, and maybe new civilizations to discover.

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Q: Why do you think scientist are so interested in sending humans to space?
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What problems solve by sending telescope into space?

they help locate things in space and they improve they way scientist research.

Two reasons for sending telescopes into space?

One reason for sending telescopes into space is so that people can get a better look at the stars the second reason for this is so that scientist can discover more about stars.

How has space travel changed?

It started with just sending monkeys, then dogs, and finally humans.

Why are space launches important to humans?

it could be because humans are interested in finding planets that had water sources and places suitable for humans to live in.

What are advantages and disadvantages of sending crews to space on space explorations and space probes?

pros: We can learn lots of things by sending crews and space probes. For without space probes how would we be able to tell the weather. cons: Many humans can die in space if there is a problem with the space craft and billions of dollars will be wasted.

When will humans leave earth?

We all ready have by sending men into space and to the moon.

What are the alternatives to sending humans into space?

-- Design, construct, configure, and launch robot hardware to conduct space exploration and inquiry. -- Cease all space inquiry and exploration.

What was the point of sending dogs in space?

Since scientists were not sure what would happen to humans in space, dogs were used as substitutes for experimental for data gathering.

Should you continue to send humans into space?

Depending on your economic, political, and scientific viewpoints, this answer may vary. From a purely economic, standpoint, sending humans to space is costly, and isn't economically viable, because out of the billions of dollars it takes to send someone to space, very little money is returned from what the humans actually do in space.

How do you become a scientist in the study of space and time?

You go to college for many years, and get post-graduate degrees in a field of science in which you are interested.

Why was maria Mitchell a space scientist?

She was a space scientist because she discovered a comet from space.

How can you be a space scientist of NASA?

i think that i can be a space scientist of nasa by giving some answers of space.