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Q: Why do you think they did not want the national government to be able to collect taxes?
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What types of taxes does the US government collect?

Answer #1: Federal, State, Local and Foreign taxes. Answer #2: I don't think that's what he's asking. Types of taxes such as income or severance or sales taxes is what I think he is asking about.

If there are a lot of people without jobs how do you think this will affect the amount of money that the government earns through taxes?

I think the government can use the national budget by changing the way it taxes people and altering the pattern of government spending to stimulate economic growth.

What did the patriots think about taxes?

What do you think about taxes? If we are to have a government at all, then taxes are necessary to keep the burden of government in motion. Preferable slow grinding motion. The more taxes paid a government the bigger that government will become. The bigger a government becomes the more taxes needed to sustain it. The more taxes imposed to sustain the big government will make the government even bigger and even more taxes will be required to...

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Federalists thought it was essential for the government to enforce taxes

In Canada can you pay your taxes in pennies?

In theory, but I don't think the government would be happy with that. The government might not even accept coins for paying taxes.

Is paying taxes a civil right?

I think the government considers it a duty.

When do taxes go up?

Taxes go up when the government needs more money to support itself. That's what I think.

Why did Washington think that asking British government to reduce taxes is wrong?


What level of government you should complain to if you think your sales taxes are too high?

You could complain to the County Government and the State Government.

What role did the government of Mesopotamia have in trading and jobs?

government made laws. i dont think they trade much

Why did Mesopotamians collect taxes?

I think Mesopotamians collected taxes because the king wanted to have them pay to stay in the kingdom But that's just my theory I may be wrong i don't know everything

What rights did the colonists think the British government was taking away from them?

that they had to pay taxes on tea