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This just happened to me today for the first time ever. It was v scary, especially since I was driving at the time. I thought I was having a stroke. A nurse told me that the hands contort when they're not getting enough oxygen--i.e., when the panicked person is hyperventilating. To make it stop, you have to get control of your breathing & take deep, slow breaths. (I still don't understand why it's the hands that are affected, and not some other body part.)

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Q: Why do your hands seize up and contort on you why your having a panic attack?
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What is wrong when you are sweating and have shaky hands?

Your are either dehydrated after sport or having a panic attack

When someones having a panic attack do you put your hands over their mouth?

Only place your hands in or near someones mouth if you would like to be bitten. If someone is having a panic attack you should just help them sit or lie down in a relaxing quiet place.

Can you die having a panic attack?

I don't think so Yea, if your heart is weak,you may die of a panic attack.

Do people remember when they've had or were about to have panic attacks?

Yes, you do remember when you are abut to have a panic attack. You can also remember everything going on around you when you are having the panic attack.

Which site has panic disorder prevention? has a great selection on panic disorder information. Articles range from how to realize you are having a panic attack to how to stay calm and collected during a panic attack until it passes.

Does chest pain and breathlessness occur while having panic disorder and having them even when relaxed?

Yes it does. Often people having their first panic attack, go to hospital thinking they are having a heart attack. Its not a heart attack, its chest pain associated with panic attacks. Breathlessness is also a symptom. And yes these attacks can pop up at any time, even when you are relaxed.

What should I do if someone I am with appears to be having a panic attack?

The best thing to do when someone is having a panic attack is to try to calm them done. Tel them to relax their muscles and become less tense. Then you should try to help with slowing down their breathing.

How did you overcome panic attacks?

One of the most effective ways to stop having panic attacks is to look at each symptom of the panic attack as it's own thing, rather than a symptom of a panic attack. For example, someone might always feel really dizzy when he is starting to have a panic attack. Then the next time he feels dizzy and can't explain why, he begins to get nervous, and the nervousness causes more symptoms, and the cycle continues until he's actually having a panic attack. A way for him to get better would be to start spinning, and replicate the dizziness, so he can realize that dizziness doesn't necessarily mean panic attack. If you sweat excessively during panic attacks, then go to a sauna. If you feel out of breath during panic attacks, hyperventilate. Isolating the symptoms can help stop them from escalating.

How do you avoit panic attacks?

One of the most effective ways to stop having panic attacks is to look at each symptom of the panic attack as it's own thing, rather than a symptom of a panic attack. For example, someone might always feel really dizzy when he is starting to have a panic attack. Then the next time he feels dizzy and can't explain why, he begins to get nervous, and the nervousness causes more symptoms, and the cycle continues until he's actually having a panic attack. A way for him to get better would be to start spinning, and replicate the dizziness, so he can realize that dizziness doesn't necessarily mean panic attack. If you sweat excessively during panic attacks, then go to a sauna. If you feel out of breath during panic attacks, hyperventilate. Isolating the symptoms can help stop them from escalating.

Can a panic attack cause a seizure?

No. A panic attack is caused by an emotional disorder, while a seizure is caused by a physical condition. If you were having a seizure you would not be aware of things around you, nor would you have any control over your body. In a panic attack you are extremely aware of your body and your surroundings, and have control of your body.

Sometimes you will still be talking to your friends and for no reason you will have a panic attack - face and hands trembeling and being just blank.Why does that happen?

Many things can trigger a panic attack. Anything from something that normally causes you anxiety, to medications you might be taking or a chemical imbalance in the brain.

What is worse a panic disorder or panic attack?

It's difficult to categorize one as being "worse" than the other because they are interconnected. Panic disorder involves experiencing recurring panic attacks, which are the defining feature of the disorder. In this sense, panic disorder encompasses the experience of panic attacks. However, not all panic attacks lead to a diagnosis of panic disorder. Panic attacks can occur as isolated incidents or in the context of other anxiety disorders, without meeting the criteria for panic disorder.