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Q: Why do your little wounds turn into scaly warts?
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Why did the man who turn into a tree turn into a tree?

It was because of his warts, Immune system, and a disease only women could have.

What is the origin of time heals all wounds?

It means after a period of time, usually years, the wounds turn into scars and the memories fade. Life goes on.

What is the wart on your pugs head?

Warts can grow on various parts of a dog's body. Many are completely harmless, and while they do not look attractive, they are not dangerous. According to some sources, older dogs that develop warts should be watched more carefully, because those warts are more likely to be cancerous. With younger dogs, the most common kinds of warts form on the face, lips, mouth or eyelids. Some of these warts are caused by a virus and need to be treated by a veterinarian. The best thing to do if your dog has a wart is to take him or her to a vet to have it tested. It may turn out to be nothing, but better safe than sorry.

Can you get gangrene in the leg from being shot with a BB gun?

Sure you can. This medical condition is an old one and can turn up in the smallest of wounds if the conditions are right.

How do you say turn your wounds into wisdom or the brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all or have the courage to live anyone can die in Italian?

in a taco

What is frogsspown?

frogsspown is little frog eggs witch grow up to turn into tadpoles then they turn in to little frogs then normal frogs

Changing from one lane to another is best done?

Turn on your turn signal and turn the steering wheel a little bit , if your overtaking someone or passing accelerate a little bit.

What do you do when making a right turn?

Slow about 50-75 feet before the turn, gently release the brake a little into the turn, look over your right shoulder before the turn, check the rear view mirror and push the gas pedal a little out of the turn.

What are the harmful effects of warts on my body other than cosmetic effects?

Warts, if not removed by a medical professional can lead to depression and a poor self image. This could ultimately lead to the wearing of black and the adoption of ugly black animals, such as cats. It could possible cause an interest in metaphysics and the occult. If left untreated, your skin may turn a pallid yellow or green and your voice may start to crack and crackle. You may also start using terms such as "My pretty" or "Deary" when you see pretty, little girls.

How did shay turn into a wolf in nightshade?

Chapter 22 of nightshade, page 297 of hardcover book, he coaxed Calla to turn him so that she could drink his blood, which would be pack blood then to heal her mortal wounds. Turn needs a bite and incantation by an alpha blooded wolf

How do you turn on a nokia5300?

just rub it a little.

What do little animals and plants turn into?
