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First of all, the atmosphere is the air. Secondly, air is matter, all matter is affected by gravity. Imagine this: the sea is liquid, it lies on the earth, pulled by gravity. the atmosphere is also like this except it is a "sea" of air, it lies on the earth, pulled by gravity.

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1w ago

Air molecules are indeed affected by gravity, which causes them to be pulled towards the Earth's surface. However, the reason why the atmosphere as a whole doesn't escape into space is because of its mass. The Earth's gravity is strong enough to hold the air molecules close to the surface, creating our atmosphere.

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Q: Why does Air stay within the Atmosphere - solid and liquid are pulled by gravity BUT i don't agree Air is pulled by gravity?
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What layer are cool particles pulled down by gravity?

Cool particles are typically pulled down by gravity at the troposphere layer. The troposphere is the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere where weather phenomena occur, and gravity causes particles to settle towards the Earth's surface within this layer.

Is oxygen in gravity?

Yes, oxygen is affected by gravity like all other matter on Earth. Gravity keeps oxygen within our atmosphere and is responsible for holding the atmosphere close to Earth's surface.

How is gravity and no gravity alike?

Gravity and no gravity are both forces that act on objects to influence their movement. In gravity, objects are pulled towards the center of mass, while in no gravity, objects experience weightlessness and float freely without being pulled towards any specific direction. Both gravity and no gravity can impact the behavior of objects within a system, altering their trajectories and interactions with other objects.

Why does the liquid in the reservoir go up the tube?

The liquid rises up the tube due to capillary action, which is the ability of a liquid to flow in narrow spaces without the assistance of external forces like gravity. This occurs because the adhesive forces between the liquid and the tube are stronger than the cohesive forces within the liquid itself.

With no gravity can people breath?

Yes, people can still breathe in areas without gravity, as long as there is a sufficient supply of oxygen. Gravity affects the distribution of air within an atmosphere, but it does not impact the ability to inhale and exhale.

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What layer are cool particles pulled down by gravity?

Cool particles are typically pulled down by gravity at the troposphere layer. The troposphere is the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere where weather phenomena occur, and gravity causes particles to settle towards the Earth's surface within this layer.

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Does earth's gravity pull on everything?

Yes, anything that get's within a close range of the earth will be pulled on by earth's gravity.

Why moon has no atmosphere.?

That is related to the fact that the Moon has less gravity - its escape velocity is less. This allows any atmosphere to evaporate into space within a reasonable time.

Is oxygen in gravity?

Yes, oxygen is affected by gravity like all other matter on Earth. Gravity keeps oxygen within our atmosphere and is responsible for holding the atmosphere close to Earth's surface.

What keeps 99 percent of the total mass of the atmosphere within 32 km of Earth's surface?


Is buoyant force a contact force?

The buoyant force is a contact force, exerted by contact with a liquid that displaces the liquid within a gravity field. No contact, no force.

Why does the liquid in a can of drink stay at the bottom?

The liquid in a can of drink stays at the bottom due to gravity. The denser liquid (usually water or syrup) sinks to the bottom while the lighter gases (carbonation) rise to the top, creating layers within the can.

Does rubbing alcohol evaporate faster when cooled?

the atmosphere determines rate of evaporation. if the atmosphere is as dense as a liquid within the atmosphere there is no evaporation at all. on earth, cooler atmospheres are generally less dense, so it's not cooling the liquid alcohol as much as providing it with a supply of less dense atmosphere that will make a liquid, alcohol, evaporate faster. on the extreme, putting a liquid into a vacuum will cause it to almost immediately evaporate, a.k.a. standardize the temperature and pressure of its atmosphere. there is really no such thing as evaporation as much as there is homogenization, standardization, of its atmosphere.

Ninety-nine percent of the atmosphere's weight is within how many kilometers of Earth's surface?

Ninety-nine percent of the atmosphere’s weight is within 30 kilometers of Earth’s surface. This part of the atmosphere is known as the troposphere, where most of Earth’s weather occurs and where gravity compresses the air molecules.

When did meteorites form within the solar system?

probably a Little bit after the sun formed. the sun gravity pulled dust into orbit and the dust clumped to geather and some became bigger to form proto planets but others stayed the same and became asteroid NOT a meteorite a .meteorite is in earths atmosphere a asteroid is in space. did this help?

How is gravity and no gravity alike?

Gravity and no gravity are both forces that act on objects to influence their movement. In gravity, objects are pulled towards the center of mass, while in no gravity, objects experience weightlessness and float freely without being pulled towards any specific direction. Both gravity and no gravity can impact the behavior of objects within a system, altering their trajectories and interactions with other objects.