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The dealer says it is a faulty abs module causing the engine to go into shut down.

no recall from Ford.

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Q: Why does a 2004 Ford Explorer intermittently stall when the cruise control is on?
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Can cruise control make a car stall out?

Yes, you can. Manual cars also come with cruise control. no unless it is a manual transmission....manual transmissions dont come with cruise control. You can even purchase a manual transmission vehicle equiped with cruise control from an original manufacturer.

Why does your 1984 Corsica 84000 miles upon acceleration from a complete stop hesitate as if its going to die and then jerk into motion and sometimes it will completely stall out?

check your cruise control and make sure it is off, my car doe's this when i stop if the cruise control is on.

What is the meaning of clean stall and dirty stall in aircraft?

A Clean Stall is happens in the aircrafts normal cruise configuration. A Dirty Stall is occurs in the landing configuration, landing gear, slats, flaps in the landing position.

Why does a 1993 grand am se intermittently stall while coming to a stop?

Almost classic example of fuel filter gone bad.

What would cause a 1998 Taurus to stall intermittently when stopped?

Probably idle control sosonoid located on the throtle body. Take it off and clean it and where it mounts. Also cleqan the inside of the throtle body where the throtle plate is as a carrbon ring forms there.

Why does 2003 Ford Explorer stall?

A leak somewhere in your Vacuum System.

What would cause a 99 Honda Accord to stall Intermittently while driving?

My girlfriends 97 was doing the same turned out to be the ignition switch.It started to stall intermittently (once every couple days)then yesterday it would not run at all unless you held the key in start position. Take a test drive and giggle the key to see if it shuts of.

Stall control wind turbine?

Stall control when related to wind turbines is actually the angle of the turbine blade. This angle is adjusted with the direction and speed of the wind.Ê

What control stall margin?

Stall margin is the difference in the critical angle of attack and the angle of attack in which you are operating.Example:Suppose, critical angle of attack= 15°AOA operating in a flight= 5°then, Lift by the wing balances the weight of the airplane with a STALL MARGIN= 10°Stall Margin is being controlled by an angle of attack and the position of flap control..CHEERS!

What causes the vehicle to stall?

Most often it is poor driver control.

Would a bad oxygen sensor cause my 97 grand Cherokee to intermittently stall while driving?

I had that same exact problem with a 1995 Jeep Cherokee, and it was indeed a bad oxygen sensor. Relatively cheap repair too.

Why does a 1990 mercury marquis stall when placed in reverse?

check your idle air control valve