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It is just their opinion. I prefer Cartoons to network sitcoms, biased news shows, reality shows, Talk Shows, sports programs, and soaps any day.

because when you were younger you'd watch cartoons but then when your a teen you watch action or love or somthing else.

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Q: Why does a best friend think you should grow up if you watch cartoons?
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Why does your friend who is a girl think that you should man up since you watch cartoons?

because if your turning older you have to man up, and that means not watching cartoons . but cartoons are made for children, duhh (:

Why does your best girl friend think that you act like a kid since you watch cartoons?

If she doesn't respect your decision to watch cartoons, then she's being bad

Why does your girl friend think that you act like a kid and you should man up since you watch cartoons?

because the person who typed this was an idiot

Why does your best friend who is a girl think you should man up since you watch cartoons all the time?

Because she sees it as something childish that only immature little kids watch but I think there is nothing wrong with a guy watching cartoons as long as they don't exaggerate.

Why does your friend who is a girl think you have to man up since you watch cartoons?

Actually most other men criticize you on what you watch. But I'm sure girls do it to, I personally watch cartoons and girls think its interesting but your case may be different.

Why does your best friend who is a girl think that you should man up since you watch cartoons?

Cartoons are sometimes seen as childish, and not 'manly', so it is possible that she thinks in accordance with this view. However, if you enjoy watching cartoons, she is being a bad friend if she tries to impose her own world views on you instead of respecting your own decisions.

Why does your friend who is a girl think you act like a kid since you watch cartoons?

That is her opinion. But don't let that get to you. Be who you want to be.

Why does a girl think that since you watch cartoons you are acting like a kid and you should man up?

because cartoons are not what an adult should watch unless he has kids. ___ On the contrary, many adults watch cartoons, and it is okay. That girl obviously doesn't like cartoons, but that doesn't mean no girls like them, or that they are any worse to watch than some of the "adult" shows that can be stupid too. There is no rule in adulthood that says you can't watch cartoons. I am an adult, and there are some cartoons that I enjoy watching.

Why does your best friend who is a girl expect you to man up since you watch cartoons all the time?

If she can't respect your decision to watch cartoons all the time, then she's not being a good friend

Why does your best friend think that you act like a kid since you watch cartoons?

if you watch cartoons... ITS NOT OF THEIR BUSINESS! my uncle watches cartoons all the time, i like cartoons, it doesn't matter what you like and it shouldn't matter to them either. just ignore what they say... anyway, i bet they probably like cartoons secretly as well. :)hope i helped

Why should you watch cartoons n?

its nice

How old do you have be to talk too cartoons?

You can be any age to watch cartoons I think they are meant for all ages I watch them and I'm an adult