

Best Answer

Goldfish are not aggressive fish. There must be a reason for a peacfull Black Moor getting aggro. Maybe if you could give me more information I could help with your problem. What size is the tank? How many other fish are in there? What species are they and how large are they? What temperature is the water? Is the tank planted with live plants? What kind of filter are you using? How much water do you change and how often do you do it? What are the fish fed and how often?

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Q: Why does a black moor attack other fancy goldfish he is much bigger and they have plenty of room?
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Is the male goldfish black?

No, only black goldfish are black.

Can you put a carp and goldfish shark angelfish black moor all in one tank?

No I'm afraid not. As goldfish grow bigger they eat whatever fits in their mouths. But the only species that mixes with goldfish is the weather loach.

What would you call a black goldfish?

I would name my black goldfish Fin

Can you put 4 black moors goldfish in your 5gallon tank?

It seems quite small, don't you think a bigger tank would be better?

Do black Moore fish eat apples?

NO! Black Moors are goldfish they should be fed goldfish food.

How big does your tank have to be for a black moor fish?

A Black Moor goldfish needs an aquarium of at least 30 gallons if they are going to thrive. This is because goldfish are essentially pond fish, so they need plenty of space to swim around. A tank smaller than 30 gallons will lead to an overall unhappy, unhealthy pet.

What are some of the breeds of goldfish?

Some common breeds of goldfish are: the Black Moor goldfish, the Ryunkin goldfish, the comet goldfish, the common goldfish, the Calico Fantail goldfish, the telescope eye goldfish, the bubble eye goldfish, the pearl scale goldfish and the Oranda goldfish.

What is a black goldfish?

There is a popular bred of goldfish called a black moor. It has an egg shaped body, has protruding globe like eyes and is black in color.

Do black goldfish lose their black coloring with age?

Most goldfish which are purchased with black coloring, except black moors, will usually lose their black coloring at some point in their lives.

When fish get pregnant does a black spots?

Goldfish do not get pregnant. They are egg layers. Black spots on goldfish have nothing to do with their breeding condition.

Why 8 goldfish and 1 black goldfish?

Traditionally the Chinese place eight orange or yellow goldfish and one black goldfish in an aquarium to attract money. The number 8 represents prosperity in Feng Shui. The idea too is that if misfortune hits your family, then the ninth black goldfish will die and receive the misfortune instead of you.

Do black goldfish eat goldfish?

Nope! Black Moors and other black goldfish get along fine with almost any sort of fancy goldfish.