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The cat may have fleas. Check by collecting some scurf from its coat on a piece of white paper. Dampen the scurf slightly, if any of it turns reddish, the cat has fleas. I don't know of a home remedy. Ask in the drugstore or, better still, ask a vet. If it's not fleas the cat might have ringworm. This needs professional treatment. Skin allergy to flea faeces may be the cause of persistent scratching which can result in bleeding and the formation of scabs. A good quality tubed-ointment type flea-killer applied once per month to the nape of the neck has been known to effect an almost overnight cure from this very distressing condition.

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18y ago
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13y ago

If your cat does this it has either fleas or mites. Take it to the vet and get some treatment for it. I believe Frontline for cats is for fleas.

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Q: Why does a cat scratch constantly causing scabs and loss of hair and is there a home remed?
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How do you prevent scabs?

you get scabs when you scratch and your blood hardens when you leave it untreated.

If you scratch your but what will happen?

You will get addicted and your butt will turn red. you might even get scabs if you scratch it too much.

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Yes. If you have scabs & scratch them off they can leave scars.

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because it wants you to get stronger

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When scabs are present in the nose it is usually due to dry air and lack of moisture in the nasal passages. If the nose is dry for an extended period it will crack and bleed causing scabs.

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it might be biting itself or it could be a disease causing it or try new bedding

What is a platelet known as?

platelts are what you know as scabs. they are the hard flesh that goes over a cut or scratch so that the flesh underneath can be protected while it is heeling.

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Your scalp may sometimes get very dry,when this occurs it becomes itchy and with a scratch it may feel good but you may be cutting your scalp with out any pain,thus causing your scalp to have scaps...

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Well,you just let it fall of by itself.If you scratch it or force it to come off by peeling it,it may cause infection or scars

Why Do you have Scabs?

because when you bleed the blood hardens and turns into scabs

What is causing many white itchy scabs on arms legs and are watery when pulled out?

This sounds like psoriasis, it is a skin disorder and must be treated by a dermatologist ASAP, DO NOT PICK OR PULL AT IT.!!!

Did goldberger swallow pellagra scabs?

Yes, he took the scabs off, and he and his assistant drank it.