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The commonest reason for any fish to be at the surface of a tank is the water is putrid and lacking in oxygen. I would guess that you are not keeping to the basic rules of fishkeeping which are. :- 1 inch of fish needs AT LEAST 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank must have a permanently running cycled filter. Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. If you keep to the above rules your fish will stand a chance provided you also adhere to the fishes specific temperature and other water parameter requirements. If you fail in any of them I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick and causing you problems.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Your water is lacking in Oxygen and needs to be replaced. Please do a water change ASAP. Then keep to the basic rules of sucessfull fish keeping. 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank must have a permanently running 'cycled' filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. If you keep to the above rules your fish will stand a chance of survival. If you fail in any of them I can guarantee that your fish will have constant sickness problems and they will live a shortened lifespan.

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Q: Why does a cichlid stay at the top of a tank?
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Mbuna cichlids will grow as large as their tank allows them to, just like other captive fish. The Mbuna cichlid comes in several varieties.

What other Fish can you put in cichlid tank?

other cichlids or other aggressive fish

Can a red zebra cichlid live with an electric yellow cichlid?

Yes they can... but I was with the most Mbuna, they cannot be kept in pairs.

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best is to either split them up, or add more fish to spread the aggression. Just dont have more fish than your tank can handle.. if I recall off the top of my head, you need 1 gallon of water, per 1 inch of fish

How do cichlid fish reproduce?

They are egg layers and will lay their eggs on a smooth surface surface inside the tank.

What size tank does a pregnant cichlid need?

All Cichlids are egg layers and so don't get pregnant.

Can my 14 inch t bar cichlid live in your 20 gallon tank?

No, it currently doesn't have water in it.

Why does your balloon molly stay at the top of the tank?

i haf no clue im just bored

Can an over 5 inch jaguar cichlid live comfortably in a ten gallon tank because otherwise she'll attack the fish in my other 35 gallon hexagon tank or should I just give her to a pet store?

I would advise you to get rid of the Jaguar cichlid (Parachromis managuensis). These fish grow too big for a 10gal tank.

What species of African cichlid should never be put in the same tank?

There are many. Far too many to list here.