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Q: Why does a monarch butterfly emerges from its chrysalis in the morning?
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How long does it take for a monarch butterfly to come out of its cocoon after you can see the butterfly inside?

A Monarch chrysalis/pupa (cocoon is actually an improper term) will begin to turn color the day before the butterfly emerges. It will emerge in less than 24 hours once the chrysalis is totally clear and you can see the wings and body inside. If you notice the color change in the evening, it will emerge the next morning. If you see the color change in the morning, it should emerge before noon. If it looks like it's covered in plastic wrap, it won't be immediate. Once it begins to have a wax paper look, it will emerge soon.

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I've been told that caterpillars feed for a week to ten days before going into a chrysalis. Then the chrysalis stage last about a week to ten days before emerging as a butterfly (which takes less than a minute!).EDIT:Just found it for Monarch butterflies! pupae usually form in morning hours (9-11 am) or later in the day (5-7 pm). So my guess is it only takes a few minutes.

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Did diamond resorts buy out pacific monarch resorts?

Yes they did. It was announced to the employees of pacific monarch this morning.

Why belly emerges?

The belly emerges may be because of you can't defecate very well ,and there are some toxin in your body ,so what you should do is clearing up the toxin first .so you can drink a cup of water in the morning ,or you can eat a banana in the morning .so it will help you defecate ,and your belly will plain.

What the Life cycle of a morning glory?

First the plant emerges from the seed.Then it grows into a seedling.Then it will grow into an adult plant.

How can I start my own butterfly garden?

Butterfly gardens require flowers which produce good nectar. Having a variety of Hibiscus, Daylilies, Aster, and other high nectar flowers will attract more butterflies. Butterflies also prefer to lay their eggs in certain food plants. Ensuring some Monarch or Morning cloak, can entice females to lay their eggs, bringing more butterflies.

What is the difference between the queen becoming a monarch and the coronation?

When the previous reigning monarch dies, at that instant, the next in line becomes the new monarch - this is the accession. At some point in the future (after the old monarch has been ceremonially buried and after a period of morning), the new monarch, at a ceremony, makes promises to their subjects to rule justly and is crowned. At the the point of coronation the monarch becomes the new reigning monarch.

How can cats fly?

After they are a kitten they develop wings. Sort of like a butterfly. So if you wake up one morning and you cat has wings do not be alarmed.

How long does it take for a caterpillar to be a butterfly?

Actually the butterfly egg comes before the caterpillar. The adult butterfly lays eggs which hatch out in about 3-7 days. The young caterpillars start off eating and basically don't stop for 2-3 weeks. They grow tremendously during this time and will increase their body mass by a few thousand times. Caterpillars grow so much that they will shed their exoskeleton several times. Some caterpillars actually change their appearance considerably from one molting to the next. Once the caterpillars have grown big enough (usually about 2-3 weeks) they will be ready for their final molt that will reveal the chrysalis. Some of the butterfly features will actually be starting to form in their bodies as they prepare to pupate (become a chrysalis or pupa).When the caterpillar is ready to shed its exoskeleton for the last time it will find a place on a stem or branch and attach itself by spinning its own silk. Most caterpillars will hang upside down but a few (Swallowtails) will attach along side of a stem and use a silk sling to hold themselves in place. After the caterpillar is firmly attached, about 24 hours later it will wiggle like crazy and shed its exoskeleton revealing the chrysalis beneath. Although the chrysalis appears to be motionless, inside tremendous activity is taking place. The caterpillar anatomy is being chemically disassembled and reconstructed into the adult butterfly. Amazing! In about 1-2 weeks the adult butterfly will be ready to emerge.

Where is 95 percent of the desert tortioses life spent?

The desert tortoise spends as much as 95% of its life in a burrow to escape the harsh desert climate. It only emerges in the early morning hours to feed.

How many hours does it take for a monarch caterpillar to turn itself into a chrysalis?

Last year I decided to "raise" a few Monarchs. I was determined to watch them morph into their shiny green chrysalis. I had them in my daughters bug barn and went so far as to take them to work with me so I wouldn't miss the event. One morning I noticed one of the caterpillars doing this odd kind of shaking "dance". I had to go to lunch and left them on my desk until I returned. I returned 45 minutes later to see that it had completely morphed into its beautiful green shiny home. Since I had 2 more that hadn't changed yet, I didn't take my eyes off of them when I saw them do their "dance". I was fortunate enough to take in a beautiful transformation. It's something I think everyone should see, really! Watching it happen before your eyes and seeing how it loosens itself from its outer skin (that's what the dancing turned out to be) and transforms into the chrysalis is mind boggling. I hope you have the chance to catch it for yourself!