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because its TOTO's favorite color

Answer: While author L. Frank Baum claims the book was written as a modern day faerie tale, both Baum and the books illustrator had been very actively involved in politics in the 1890's. The book was published in 1900 not more than four years after William Jennings Bryan delivered his famous "Cross of gold" speech at the 1896 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The speech was in support of the Democratic parties push to take the U.S. dollar off of the "gold standard" and place it on a "silver standard". Of course, since the price of gold was all ready fixed to the price of silver because the dollar was silver, any notion of the U.S. truly being on a gold standard was convoluted at best. Many political interpretations of The Wizard of Oz suggest that "modern day faerie tale" was an allegory for the politics of the time. Indeed, much of Europe's faerie tales served as political allegories as well.

In a political context then, the Yellow brick road could mean the "gold standard" by which the Eastern "banking" cities believed was in the countries best interest, and in the book Dorothy was wearing silver slippers instead of the ruby slippers seen in the movie, and those silver slippers would then represent the silver standard advocated by William Jennings Bryan. Many believe, in fact, that the cowardly lion is a parallel to Bryan, while the scarecrow represents the plight of the American farmer and the tin man represents the plight of labor mechanized by a heartless industrial revolution. In fact, the line in Bryans oratory: "Having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold."

It is the cowardly blustering lion Bryan who is looking for the courage to defend the poor dumb farmer and mechanized tin man without a heart, but they all are led down the Yellow Brick Road to the land of Oz where the American dream is offered by false prophets that hide behind curtains with pretense of magic and sorcery and yet, in the end all roads lead to Kansas, where one can find happiness with the comfort of home and family.

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Because they grow in the sun, the colour gets lighter so it turns yellow

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11y ago

technically, there is no defined color, it just appears that way because of how the eye sees it.

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your eye and light makes it

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Q: Why does a red object appears red under yellow light?
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What will a yellow object look like when under a yellow light?

An object that appears yellow under white light will have a tendency to maintain its distinctly yellow appearance when bathed in yellow light.

What colour is a white object under yellow light?

Why do you call it a "white object" ? Could it be because it looks white under white light ... light composed of every color ? Well then, the object must reflect every color. So it appears to be the color of whatever light you illuminate it with. Yellow under yellow light, etc.

Why an object appears yellow in daylight appears red when illuminated with red light and red when illuminated with magenta light?

Our eyes only see the colours red, green and blue, in varying levels. It is our brain that converts combinations of these into the many millions of colours that we can perceive.An object that appears yellow under white light is reflecting colours that cause both our red and green cones (cells in our eyes that respond to colour) to fire. Note we have no yellow cones in our eyes.When the same object is placed under red light, then only red light is reflected from the object, and thus only the red cones respond, causing us to see the object as red.

When a balloon appears yellow under a white light what colour will it be under a green light?

It will be green

Red object appears to be white?

when under a red light.

What would a red object look like under a yellow light?

Blue appears black under a yellow light. For example if you have a blue car and you put a yellow light on it will appear black due to the absence of color. The light has nothing to reflect back.

What color light is absorbed by an object that appears red under white light?

Red Light

What color does a green and orange object reflect?

An object appears a certain color to you because it reflects that color of light and absorbs other colors of light. For example, a white object appears white because it reflects all colors of visible light (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). A black object appears black because it absorbs all of these colors--and as a result, none of those colors are reflected back to your eyes. Under white light, the object appears yellow-green because it reflects both yellow and green light and absorbs all other colors. (Remember, white light has all colors of visible light in it). If only green light is present, there's only green light for it to reflect--so it will appear green. If you shined yellow light on it only, it would be yellow. If you shined yellow and green light, it would appear yellow-green again. It you shined red and blue light on it, it would appear black, because it absorbs both of those colors.

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What colour is a yellow object under a red light?

It would look like a very, very, very, very yellowy orange.

What colour would white shoes appear under a yellow disco light?

white shoes appear white because it reflects all 7 colours of white light when fallen on to it.Therefore if only yellow light is fallen on to this object it would give out light rays which are yellow in colour . so shoes would appear yellow.

What will white look like under yellow light?

White reflects all colors. Since it is under yellow light, it will reflect the yellow color, making it look yellow.