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Answer 1:

For the same reason that rumiants produce smelly, extreme amounts of gas. Vegetables are harder to digest, since they have a way lower energy density than meats or animal products and their cellular membranes are sturdier. That's why cows have 4 stomachs and are eating most of their lives (even while resting). The cow's stomach processes the vegetation with the help of bacteria, which extracts glucose from the plant matter. In this process huge amounts of methane and other gasses are produced.

When a human switches to an all vegetable diet, the same happens, the flora of the gut shifts to a similar type of bacteria than that of a cow. With the difference that methane production per body kg weight will be probably higher than that of the cow, since the digestive system of a human is not adapted for fermentation and a lot of the glucose produced in the gut will be used by the bacteria itself, which will produce more methane.

But what is smelly is not the methane itself, it's the combination of decay gasses from the unprocessed (by the human body's natural process) vegetable matter, mostly hydrogen sulfide. That's why vegan/vegetarian/SAD farts smell like some swampy areas.

As a comparison you can take elephants, they have an extremely inefficient digestive system for what they eat, low energy vegetation, that's why the are "extreme" and stinky farters!

If all humans would switch to a vegan diet, the implications for the amount, the accumulation of methane in the atmosphere may be dramatic. The health implications as well, since the type of bacteria that an all vegetable diet, isn't what should be in your guts.

Increased flatulence, for prolonged periods of time, is one of the first signs, that something isn't going very well in your guts. If they're smelly (sweet/phosphorous/rotting egg smell), more so.

Alternate Answer:

They don't. Have you never had to evacuate a room after a dog or cat let out a silent nether-belch? Compare that to a cow rip snorter (they're constantly farting); at 1000 times the size, the smell is nothing compared to Rover's under thunder.

Carnivorous animals' flatulence is much more potent, mostly because proteins contain more sulfur. However, naturally herbivorous mammals tend to have more air in their digestive system to aid protozoa that help process their foods (refer to the good description above), and therefore fart much more often, and longer, but the smell is not nearly as offensive.

Human vegetarians, on the other hand, have to supplement the lack of meat proteins with foods that have sugars in them that humans have trouble digesting, like beans. That, compounded with the fact that vegetables naturally create more gas, makes vegetarians fart more often... so it may be that vegetarians are witnessed farting more often and a false correlation is made thinking they're stinkier.

I'll take five cauliflower hummus butt-rumblers over a steak stink bomb any day.

Omega-3 and other supplements and oils often used by vegetarians can carry a stronger scent as well.

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Q: Why does a vegetarian's farts smell worse than average?
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It is related to nutrition. It depends what you are eating. Some food will have a more pronounced odor when the are expelled from the body.

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I have the answer right here. I looked it up. The odor of farts comes from small amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas and mercaptans. (Mercaptans smell like rotten cabbage) Being male or female has nothing to do with it.

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Some odor is normal. When they smell worse than normal it usually has soemthign to do with something your recently ate.

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Vegitarians can be unhealthy because the meat they don't consume is a very protein filled food. meat has vitamin b and others. Also, veggies tend to stink and their farts smell worse because there is no meat filtering their bodies, which is a sign that they are unhealthy. Don't go veggie.

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Rest assured, they don't. If you've found one whose farts do smell like roses, consider her a keeper - women can let some pretty ripe ones loose, and it's even worse when they do it in their sleep - especially when they're foul enough that the smell wakes them up, because they will always blame you for it.

Why do other people's farts smell worse than your own?

it all depends on what you eat that day. The heather the food the none smell you get. If you happen to eat alot of junk then your farts WILL stink. What about beans huh. and cheese. and meat. and Colliflower. Those all make farts stink and they ar all healthy. It's not just food that makes it smell, if you have an upset stomach then that can cause it to.

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This is a personal quiestion but the answer is simply some people eat things which when digested give of a worse smell then other foods or some people have a very bad digetstion gut which makes any food smell very bad !

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As a flatuantologist (a fart scientist), it has been well documented (Mapes & Bennett, 2000) that fart-stink concentration increases exponentially as a function of the density of material it travels through. Hence, water being more dense than air, fart-stink concentrations are greatly enhanced when the air-water density interface is breached. Greater fart-stink concentrations are why underwater farts smell worse.

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