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Antigone risks death to bury her brother, Polyneices because she follows the laws of the Gods, not the law of what her uncle, King Creon makes.

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Q: Why does antigone risk death to bury polyneices?
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Does Antigone appreciate Ismene's claim of helping bury Polyneices in 'Antigone'?

No, Antigone does not appreciate Ismene's claim to having helped bury Polyneices in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone alone takes the risk of burying her brother Polyneices despite a contradictory law by King Creon, her uncle and intended father-in-law. Because her sister Ismene does not help her, Antigone must give their brother a partial, above-ground burial instead of one below-ground. She therefore does not at all appreciate it when Ismene makes the false claim of helping in the burial and therefore deserving of a share of the blame.

What is the main difference between Antigone and Ismene in 'Antigone'?

Risk-taker versus intimidated is the main difference between Antigone and Ismene in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone has a daunting personality that leads her to risk her life for a cause. There is nothing quiet about the way she goes about burying her brother Polyneices, a crime punishable by execution. In contrast, her sister Princess Ismene makes every effort to comply with the laws of her daunting uncle King Creon who intimidates her.

How does antigone feel about the prospect of dying for her crime?

Even though she is not eager to die, she is willing to risk death to satisfy the laws of the gods.

Which of Oedipus's children was mentioned in the play?

All four of Oedipus' children were mentioned in the play 'Antigone'. Oedipus and Jocasta, who was both his mother and his wife, had twin sons named Eteocles and Polyneices. The twins were named as the kings who killed each other, because they couldn't agree to alternate years of rule. Oedipus and Jocasta had two daughters named Antigone and Ismene. Ismene was a survivor, whereas Antigone was a terminal risk taker.

How does Ismene change from the beginning of 'Antigone'?

It is from lacking to finding courage that Ismene changes since the beginning of "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Ismene is not a risk taker. She observes that burying her brother Polyneices and receiving the death sentence from her uncle King Creon are outside her comfort zone. She prefers to follow and obey men than to protect the rights of a vulnerable family member. But she realizes in her second interaction that playing it safe makes life lonely without her courageous sister. She stands up for herself and Antigone.

Related questions

Does Antigone appreciate Ismene's claim of helping bury Polyneices in 'Antigone'?

No, Antigone does not appreciate Ismene's claim to having helped bury Polyneices in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone alone takes the risk of burying her brother Polyneices despite a contradictory law by King Creon, her uncle and intended father-in-law. Because her sister Ismene does not help her, Antigone must give their brother a partial, above-ground burial instead of one below-ground. She therefore does not at all appreciate it when Ismene makes the false claim of helping in the burial and therefore deserving of a share of the blame.

What is the main difference between Antigone and Ismene in 'Antigone'?

Risk-taker versus intimidated is the main difference between Antigone and Ismene in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone has a daunting personality that leads her to risk her life for a cause. There is nothing quiet about the way she goes about burying her brother Polyneices, a crime punishable by execution. In contrast, her sister Princess Ismene makes every effort to comply with the laws of her daunting uncle King Creon who intimidates her.

How does antigone feel about the prospect of dying for her crime?

Even though she is not eager to die, she is willing to risk death to satisfy the laws of the gods.

Which of Oedipus's children was mentioned in the play?

All four of Oedipus' children were mentioned in the play 'Antigone'. Oedipus and Jocasta, who was both his mother and his wife, had twin sons named Eteocles and Polyneices. The twins were named as the kings who killed each other, because they couldn't agree to alternate years of rule. Oedipus and Jocasta had two daughters named Antigone and Ismene. Ismene was a survivor, whereas Antigone was a terminal risk taker.

How does Ismene change from the beginning of 'Antigone'?

It is from lacking to finding courage that Ismene changes since the beginning of "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Ismene is not a risk taker. She observes that burying her brother Polyneices and receiving the death sentence from her uncle King Creon are outside her comfort zone. She prefers to follow and obey men than to protect the rights of a vulnerable family member. But she realizes in her second interaction that playing it safe makes life lonely without her courageous sister. She stands up for herself and Antigone.

What does Ismene's refusal reveal about herself in 'Antigone'?

That she is a young, unsure survivor who takes no risks and lacks self-confidence is what Ismene's refusal reveals about herself in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Ismene refuses to help her sister Antigone bury their brother Polyneices. Ismene's refusal reveals her lack of self-confidence and of risk taking. For example, her uncle King Creon says that god-given rights of all Thebans to below-ground burials and proper funeral rites will be honored for his supporters and denied to his opponents. Ismene takes the threat at face value and decides to accept this violation of individual rights without even trying to figure out how she mitigate the punishment or circumvent the controversy and the conflict altogether.

What are the risk factors of dwarfism?

there is no risk

What difference leads Antigone to disobey the law that Ismene obeys in 'Antigone'?

That one is an older risk taker and the other a younger survivalist is the difference that leads Antigone to disobey the law that Ismene obeys in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban sister Princesss Antigone and Ismene are the daughters of disgraced Theban monarchs Oedipus and Jocasta. They experience cruelty, loneliness and poverty in exile with their father. The experiences make Antigone all the more determined to defend what is right and Ismene all the more determined to play it safe.

What are risk factors of suicide?

Death is the most significant risk.

What are some of Antigone's characteristics?

Some characteristics of Antigone include the fact that she is tragic and unable to bend. She is also a feminist and she is a romantic idealist making her believe that committing suicide is noble.

Is the black death still a health risk?

No it is not still a health risk! :p

What contrast between Antigone and Ismene is suggested by their conversation in 'Antigone'?

Age and comfort zone are the contrasts that are suggested by the conversation between Antigone and Ismene in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone appears older than her sister Ismene because she arranges the meeting and sets the topic of conversation. She gives the impression of greater confidence and experience in dealing with life's challenges. She therefore has the bigger comfort zone in terms of risk taking than her younger, more easily intimidated and less experienced sister.