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Q: Why does beethoven fifth have a recurring v from Morse code?
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Why did the BBC play the opening bars of Beethoven's fifth symphony in all of its broadcasts to Europe during World War 2?

Because the opening four notes of Beethoven's 5th are the same as the Morse Code for the letter 'V' (dot, dot, dot, dash), V for Victory.

What is Morse code?

Morse code is actually a kind of cipher where patterns of long and short stand for the letters of the alphabet as well as numbers. For example, the pattern . . . stands for the letter "S" and the pattern _ _ _ stands for the letter "O" so that . . . _ _ _ . . . stands for SOS, the distress signal. In the Second World War, the first four notes of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony were used as a symbol for victory as the rhythm is the same as the Morse for "V" (short-short-short-long)

What different types are there of Morse code?

Three main ones:American Morse code (Morse's original, 1844)European Morse codeInternational Morse code (replaced the previous types in 1865)

What is the proper adjective of Morse code?

The proper adjective of Morse code is "Morse." For example, you would say "Morse code message" or "Morse code transcription."

How do you say off in Morse code?

off in Morse code would be: --- ..-. ..-. NOTE: this is in international Morse code, there are 3 kinds of Morse code

How do you spell killer in Morse code?

killer in Morse code would be: -.- .. .-.. .-.. . .-. NOTE: this is in international Morse code, there are 3 kinds of Morse code

Can you spell the word quiz in Morse code?

quiz in Morse code would be: --.- ..- .. --.. NOTE: this is international Morse code, there are 3 kinds of Morse code

How do you say i lovemaths in Morse code?

I love maths in Morse code would be:. .-.. --- ...- . -- .- - .... ...NOTE: this is in international Morse code, there are 3 kinds of Morse code

What is go on YouTube in Morse code?

go on youtube in Morse code would be:--. --- --- -. -.-- --- ..- - ..- -... .NOTE: this is in international Morse code, there are 3 kinds of Morse code

What is the Morse code for the letter B?

B in Morse code is:-...NOTE: this is B in international Morse code there are 3 different kinds of Morse code

What is the Morse code for All is Well?

All is well in Morse code would be:.- .-.. .-.. .. ... .-- . .-.. .-..NOTE: this is in international Morse code, there are 3 kinds of Morse code

Who was the creator of Morse Code?

Samuel Morse invented the Morse Code.