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Some Bettas have been selectively bred to have holes and threads in their fins. If your Betta does not normally have these and they are suddenly happening to the fish then The fins are being destroyed by poisons in the water. You urgently need to change its water ASAP.

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14y ago
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14y ago

When a Betta "displays" his fins they do appear somewhat transparent, but if there is a noticeable difference between what its fins did look like when you got him and how they look now, then there is obviously an environmental problem. If I tell you what a Betta needs, maybe you can see where you are messing up. The absolute minimum amount of water for a Betta is 3 gallons, best is 10 gallons. (The people who advocate and sell tiny containers for Bettas should be locked up for cruelty to animals). It also needs a heater set at around 78F and a cycled filter running permanently. It also needs to have half its water changed every week. Food wise they should be fed at least morning and evening as much as they can eat in 15 minutes and a treat of live food is good at least once a week but not essential. If you follow the above you should have no problems keeping a Betta healthy.

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This is not a Betta question so it belongs elsewhere.

How can you tell if Marine Betta is girl or boy?

you can tell if its a boy or girl by the fins the male Betta has long fins and the female Betta has small fins

How can you tell a girl betta from a boy betta?

A female betta has very small fins with a long body while the male betta have lots of nice flowing fins.

How do you sex betta fish?

Male betta's are larger, more colorful, and have much longer fins. Female betta's are small, less colorful, and have short stubby fins.

Which fin of the male Betta's is larger than the female Betta?

usually a male has longer tail fins but they are about the same for side fins

How do you tell the difference between a female betta and a male betta?

Male betas are colorful and have large fins. Females have virtually no fins and have no color

How do i know my betta is a female?

Your betta fish is a female if she has smaller fins than an average male.

Is your betta sick?

My Betta has swelling under it's front fins below it's gills.

What is a crowntail betta?

A Crowntail Betta Splendens is a variant of Splendens that has parted fins in a way that makes them look appealing. it is simply something you must look up on google images to get the right answer Fightn' Fact: There isn't only one Betta. Betta is an entire Genus of fish that qualify for certain specimens of fish. The fish you are talking about is betta splendens

Do fins grow back after ich in betta?

Yes; fish fins can regrow and heal with amazing speed.

When do a Betta open its fins?

when they get frightened or scared. sometimes when their annoyed

Should there be red streaks in the fins of Betta fish?

There are so many different colour variations of Betta that red streaks in blue fins are quite common as are blue streaks in red fins. All it means is that the fish are cross bred.